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A. Sennaroglu; "Recent Advances in High-Energy Femtosecond Lasers"

Recent Advances in High-Energy Femtosecond Lasers




Dr. Alphan Sennaroğlu

Department of Physics

Koç University





High-energy femtosecond lasers have numerous applications in materials processing, spectroscopy, biomedical imaging, and nonlinear optics.  Recently, a novel method was proposed to scale up the pulse energy of femtosecond lasers by using multi-pass optical cavities.  In this presentation, I will review the general characteristics of multi-pass cavities and discuss their application in femtosecond pulse amplification. 





Dr. Alphan Sennaroglu is an Associate Professor in the Departments of Physics and Electrical-Electronics Engineering at Koç University.  He received his Ph.D. from Cornell University in 1994.  He published over 70 journal and conference papers in the field of solid-state lasers and ultrafast optics.  He received 2002 ICTP/ICO (International Commission for Optics) Award, 2001 Werner-von-Siemens Excellence Award, and 2001 Tuba (Turkish Academy of Sciences) Young Scientist Award.  He was the Program Chair of the Conference on Solid-State Lasers and Amplifiers during Photonics Europe 2004.  He is a member of the Optical Society of America, a Senior Member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), and the founding Chair of the IEEE Leos Turkish Chapter (1999-2003). In 1994, he established the Laser Research Laboratory(LRL) at Koç University.  LRL focuses on the development and characterization of novel solid-state lasers. To date, studies have been carried out in the areas of tunable solid-state lasers, diode-pumped laser systems, passive Q switching, saturable absorbers, spectroscopy of novel laser/amplifier materials, ultrashort pulse generation, and nonlinear optics.








Dec. 8th, 2004, 14:40, FENS L030








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