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T. Duman; "Capacity Approaching Coding for Relay Systems"

Capacity Approaching Coding for Relay Systems

Assoc.Prof.Dr. Tolga M. Duman


Arizona State University



In order to improve the capabilities of wireless networks, the use of relays is an important and 
promising approach as they can be employed in various communication scenarios (including 
cellular networks, wireless ad-hoc networks and sensor networks) to increase the transmission 
rates and provide reliability. In a relay transmission scheme, the relay node assists the source node 
by processing the information it receives and forwarding it (after proper coding) to the destination. 
The destination node receives a superposition of the signals transmitted from the source and the relay 
nodes and reconstructs the original message information.

In the current literature, there are two main research thrusts:
information theoretical work aiming at the characterization of the
fundamental limits of transmission, and development of practical
wireless relaying protocols. Usually, there is a significant gap
between what the practical transmission schemes provide, and the
information theoretical works promise.




In this talk, after reviewing the concept of cooperative coding briefly, we will present our work on the 
development of capacity approaching turbo based coding schemes for relay channels. 
We will consider both single input and single output systems and multiple input and multiple 
output systems. Also, we will study both the full duplex, and the half duplex relays that are considered 
to be more practical. We will demonstrate that the proposed coding schemes perform within 1 - 1.5 dB 
of the information theoretical limits under a variety of channel conditions.








Tolga M. Duman received the B.S. degree from Bilkent University in 1993, M.S. and Ph.D. degrees 
from Northeastern University, Boston, in 1995 and 1998, respectively, all in electrical engineering. 
His M.S. and Ph.D. thesis advisor was Prof. Masoud Salehi. Since August 1998, he has been with the 
Electrical Engineering Department of Arizona State University first as an assistant professor 
(1998-2004), and currently as an associate professor. He is on sabbatical leave for the 2004-05 
academic year at Bilkent University in Turkey. Dr. Duman's current research interests are in digital 
communications, wireless and mobile communications, channel coding, turbo codes, coding for 
recording channels, and coding for wireless communications.




Dr. Duman is the recipient of the National Science Foundation CAREER Award, IEEE Third Millennium 
medal, and IEEE Benelux Joint Chapter best paper award (1999). He is a senior member of IEEE, and an 
editor for IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications.




March 16, 2005, 10:40-11:30, G035 





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