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M.Atatüre;All optical electron-spin detection in a single quantum dot"

All optical electron-spin detection in a single quantum dot

Mete Atatüre
Institute of Quantum Electronics, ETH Hönggerberg, HPT G14.3, CH-8093

A single electron trapped in a quantum dot is a promising semiconductor-based system to study various quantum optical effects taking the electron spin as the quantum bit candidate. While the optical transitions occur on nanosecond scale, decoherence times for an electron
spin are predicted to be about 106 times longer. I will present recent progress as well as challenges towards all-optical spin read-out. I will further discuss a technique for deterministically coupling a single quantum dot to a photonic crystal nanocavity, which, in turn, will allow for quantum information processing using quantum dot spins and cavity

July 7, 2005, 16:30, G032


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