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N. Lund; "Imaging Techniques in X-Ray Astronomy" March 5, 13:40, G015

Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences

Imaging Techniques in X-Ray Astronomy

Niels Lund,
Danish Technical University-Space, Copenhagen


Wolter type grazing incidence reflective optics has been applied successfully in X ray astronomy for several decades. This type of optics is limited to field diameters of about one degree because of the graze angle limitations.

Much wider fields are required for instruments which should monitor extended regions of the sky - or even the whole celestial sphere.

Two techniques exist for such wide field cameras: "Lobster-eye reflective optics" and pinhole or coded mask cameras.

The Lobster-eye technique will be briefly introduced, but the main part of the seminar will deal with the design of coded mask cameras for which there is now an appreciable amount of practical experience.

March 5, 2008, 15:40, MDBF G015


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