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O.Gürlü, "Alloying & its Effect on the Local Electronic Structure..."

Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences

Alloying and its Effect on the Local Electronic Structure in Ni Islands on Cu(111)

Oğuzhan Gürlü
Istanbul Technical University, Faculty of Sciences and Letters,
Department of Physics


Application of the Scanning Tunneling Microscopy (STM) to the study of thin films resulted in the realization of the need to revisit several problems and alloying is no exception. Since it is possible to image individual atoms and molecules using this technique, the concept of thin-film became ultra thin and even sub-monolayer atomic films became accessible for atomic scale studies. This talk will focus on our study of the initial stages of alloying between Ni and Cu. We will take a look at the Molecular Beam Epitaxy (MBE) grown Ni islands on Cu(111) single crystals at the atomic scale and observe the morphological and electronic effects of the intermixing and alloying of Cu atoms with these islands. The potential effect of the alloying on the magnetic properties of these islands will be presented, which is a long disputed topic, using some help from theory. Also in this talk, the use of Ni/Cu system as a quantum mechanics laboratory will be demonstrated. Before conclusion, the introduction of individual molecules onto the Ni/Cu system will be touched upon.

Oğuzhan Gürlü graduated from Bilkent University Physics Department in 1999. Afterwards he obtained his MS degree in 2000 and his PhD degree in 2004 at the University of Twente, the Netherlands. From October 2004 till July 2007 he worked at the Nanoscale Science Department of the Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research at Stuttgart, Germany, as a research scientist. Currently he is an assistant professor at Istanbul Technical University.

March 19, 2008, 14:40, FENS G035



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