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M.Ürgen; "Electrochemical Processes for the...", March 26, 13:40, G032

Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences

Electrochemical Processes for the Production of Nanotemplates, Nanowires,  Nanopatterned and Functional Surfaces

Mustafa Ürgen, Istanbul Technical University

Metal and alloys are man-made material, properties of which show dependence on the structure and processing methodology. Material scientists by working on the structure- property- processing interrelation of materials try to tune their functional properties. Electrochemical behavior of materials also shows strong dependence on structure. In this presentation, I will try to interrelate electrochemical behavior of materials with their structure and starting from that point I will give an overview on the possibilities of creating nano structures, nanotemplates and nanopatterns by using electrochemical techniques. Among the electrochemical techniques used for nanopatterning, anodic oxidation has a special importance. On some metals and alloys it is possible to grow thick oxide films upon anodizing (electrochemical oxidizing) in suitable solutions. Structural materials that exhibit this property are aluminum, titanium and magnesium. The oxide films grown on aluminum have a special porous structure that can easily be modified by playing with the parameters of anodizing. This characteristic film structure resulted in utilization of aluminum for different template applications. Recently studies started on the possibility of formation of porous anodic oxides with a regular array structure on titanium. Titanium oxide, porous regular structures with their semi-conductor and bio-active properties may become a more favorable nano template compared to aluminum oxides.  Hence, in the final part of the talk, I will concentrate on the recent developments of anodic oxidation techniques, by addressing their application areas and the related studies conducted in our research group.

Prof. Dr. Mustafa URGEN is presently working in the  Metallurgical and Materials Engineering Department of Istanbul Technical University and leading the “Surface Technologies” group and at the same time coordinating the Materials Science and Engineering interdisciplinary graduate program supported through “Advanced Technologies in Engineering” Project funded by State Planning Organization  of Turkey. He has received his bachelors, masters and doctoral degrees from Istanbul Technical University. After finishing his PhD, he conducted post –doctoral studies at Max-Planck Institute, Institut für Metallwissenschaften, Stutgart, Germany (1988-89).  He is appointed as Assoc. Prof. in 1991 and as Prof.  in 1996 and served as Department Chair (2002-2005) in the Metallurgical and Materials Engineering Department of ITU. His research interest areas are:  Surface Technologies: Electrolytic, Diffusion, Vacuum, Composite, PVD and Hybrid-PVD Coatings, Surface Analysis , Corrosion and recently nano-bio materials. He has more than 100  journal and conference publications. He received best paper award from  IMF (International Metal Finishing Society)  - Jim Kape Memorial  Medal. He is the co-author of a chapter (Tribology of Nanostructured and Composite Coatings) in Nanomaterials Handbook. He has given over 10 invited talks in national and international meetings. Prof. Urgen has directed numerous government and industry sponsored projects. His current research is focused on the hybrid deposition techniques, production and characterization of nano-composite coatings for improving wear behaviour under boundary lubrication, nano patterning of surfaces and methods for producing intermetallic and quasicrystalline coatings. He has one issued and 3 pending patents.

March 26, 2008, 13:40, FENS G032




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