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R.Deriche; Computational Diffusion MRI: From Images... , 7.4.,13:40

Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences

Computational Diffusion MRI : From images to white matter fibers
Rachid Deriche 

April 7, 2008, 13:40, FASS G022

Diffusion MRI is a Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) modality able to  quantify in vivo and non invasively the diffusion of water molecules in biological tissues such as the white matter in the brain. In this talk, I will present this recent and rapidly developing imaging technology which open the possibility of  recovering a detailed geometric description  of the anatomical connectivity  between brain areas and help to better understand the structural organization of the human brain. The variational approaches we developed for the estimation,  regularization., and segmentation of  diffusion tensor images (DTI) will be presented together with their use in tractography for brain connectivity mapping. If time permits, I'll also present and discuss some  parts of our recent work on HARDI (High Angular Resolution Diffusion Imaging) to go beyond the Diffusion Tensor model and its limitations to recover white matter fiber bundles with singular configurations like fiber crossings. A simple linear and regularized analytic solution for the Q-ball reconstruction of the Orientation Distribution Function (ODF). will be presented and discussed.

Rachid DERICHE graduated from Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Télécommunications, Paris, in 1979 and received the Ph.D degree in Mathematics from the University of Paris IX, Dauphine in 1982. He is currently a Research Director at INRIA Sophia Antipolis – Méditerranée Research Center and performs his research activities in the Odyssée Project Team.
His research interests are in Brain Imaging, Computer and Biological Vision with a particular emphasis on the understanding and the computation of the anatomical connectivity in the Human Brain through Diffusion MRI and its possible combination with other modalities such as fMRI, MEG or EEG. More generally, he is very interested by the application of mathematical and computational methods to his research domains. R. Deriche has authored and co-authored more than 150 scientific papers in the most important conferences and journals of the computer vision and medical image communities. He acted as as area chair, co-organiser or member  of the program committees of  the main conferences in his domains (Iccv,  Eccv, Cvpr, Miccai, Scale-Space,  Icip, Icpr, Caip, Vlsm...) and is in the Editorial Board of IJCV,SIIMS...



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