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2009-2010 Academical Year ‘Dr. Gürsel Sönmez Research Award’

2009-2010 Academical Year ‘Dr. Gürsel Sönmez Research Award’

 Dr.Gürsel Sönmez Research Award is granted by Sabancı University to commemorate our honorable faculty member and to promote successful academic research.

The award will be given by the jury to at least oneFENS graduate (master or doctorate student) who has come into prominence with outstanding research.


‘Dr. Gürsel Sönmez Research Award’ Content and Conditions:

·        A total amount of 5000 TL will be distributed among winners.

·        All fens graduate (master or PhD) students who will be graduated in 2009-2010 academic year are eligible for nomination.

·        Students may apply to the award themselves or they may be nominated by Sabancı University members.

·        All applications and nominations should be made to dean’s office until May 21 st 2010.

·        Jury members are assigned by FENS Dean’s suggestion and President’s approval.

·        The jury will consider candidates’ graduate or doctoral thesis, research findings, publications and patents -if there is any- during evaluation.

·        Evaluation will be completed with President’s approval.

·        Awards will be presented at the graduation ceremony at June 26th 2010.

Required Documents for Application:

§        A resume/CV  including the full list of candidate’s academic works

§        A cover letter summarizing contents of the candidate’s study (MS /PhD Thesis, research papers, publications, patents) which will be presented to jury.

§        Hard copy of candidate’s publications, research results and thesis etc..

§        Those who want to apply by their thesis may apply by borrowing a copy of it from the University Information Center.



FENS Dean's Office

Orta Mahalle, 34956 Tuzla, İstanbul, Türkiye

+90 216 483 96 00

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