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Physics Seminar: Radiation Hardness Assurance for the Space Electronics

Title: Radiation Hardness Assurance for the Space Electronics

Speaker: Dr. Özge Amutkan, Sabanci Universitesi

Abstract: The space radiation environment is responsible for many disturbances on electronic systems used in a space mission. Radiation effects in space environment are important and can not be neglected because it reduces the lifetime of the mission. The natural space environment consists of trapped electrons and protons in Van Allen belts, protons and heavy ions from cosmic rays and solar flares. Total Ionization Dose (TID) and Single Event Effects (SEE) are the most observed in-flight anomalies. In this presentation, the natural space environment, and whys and hows of radiation hardness assurance test methodologies are discussed.

Biography: Dr. Özge Amutkan got her B.S. From Ankara University, Department of Physics Engineering, in 2001. She got her PhD in Physics from Middle East Technical University in 2010. During her PhD, she collaborated with INFN, Pg (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare, Perugia) and participated radiation hardness tests in Italy. Since August, she has been working as a postdoctoral research associate at the Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences, Sabanci University.

Physics Seminar, 20 October 2010, FENS L045, Wednesday 13:40



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