"Interference Prediction, Avoidance and Mitigation in
Multihop Wireless
Ufuk Tureli, Ph.D.
November 26, 2010, FENS L067, 13:40
Interference in the physical layer of
wireless networks is due frequency
reuse. We present novel analytical and
experimental studies on dynamic
spectrum reuse. For effective resource
allocation which uses scheduling
for 3G cellular systems, we developed
analytic expressions for the
distribution of predicted signal to
interference ratio in an
uncoordinated multi-cell 3G EVDO network with a
frequency reuse factor
of 1 and verified prediction with real world data
collected by Lucent.
This has been used to develop a practical scheduler
with minimal
capacity loss subject to an outage constraint.
Multiple hopping can be used to enhance the throughput, network
and capacity for indoors and outdoors in infrastructure networks.
examine improvement in outage capacity with a single relay for indoor
coverage with significant building insertion loss first. Recently,
hybrid wireless networks which take on the best features of
infrastructure and ad hoc networks have been proposed for 4G networks.
Spatial variability of spectrum use observed in broadband spectrum
occupancy measurements motivate a novel framework exploit spectrum
which allows a significant improvement in bandwidth efficiency and
capacity by considering spectrum holes in the spatial domain as well as
the temporal domain. We examine an outdoor cognitive network can be
implemented within a primary system, to assist disadvantaged users while
minimizing interference and satisfying protection constraints by
judicious power control and scheduling.
Multiple hopping is a key
feature of ad hoc networks, but lacking a
centralized controller,
interference mitigation is a major problem. This
problem can be avoided
using multiple antennas at transmitters and
receivers. Closed loop feedback
multiple input multiple output (MIMO) ad
hoc network can greatly improve
system performance at a cost of
significant signaling overhead and/or
exploiting reciprocity between
transmitter and receiver channels, limiting
suitability to dynamic
interference and information. Reduced feedback MIMO
in an ad hoc network
is implemented. A distributed game is formulated and is
shown to
converge using numerical analysis. Open problems and preliminary
for next generation ad hoc networks with multiple radio frequency (RF)
chains suitable for dynamic channel and MIMO
Short Biography:
Ufuk Tureli received the
B.Sc. degree from Bogazici University,
Istanbul, Turkey and the M.S. and
Ph.D. degrees from the University of
Virginia, Charlottesville, Virginia in
1998 and 2000 respectively, all
in electrical engineering. Since January
2008, he is an associate
professor and Director of the Radio Frequency
Laboratory in the
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, West
University Institute of Technology, Montgomery, WV.
From July
2000- December 2007, Dr. Tureli was an assistant professor,
director of
wireless research laboratory in the Electrical and Computer
Engineering Department and From Sep 2005-December 2007 associate
director of the Wireless Network Security Center, Stevens Institute of
Technology, Hoboken, NJ, His research is scalable and robust wireless
networks from physical to network layers. His current research
on interference prediction, cross layer design, and spatial reuse of
spectrum .
Dr. Tureli is a member of the IEEE Communications Society,
serves in
technical program committees (TPC) for IEEE Globecom, Milcom, ICC
WCNC conferences as well as the IEEE Communications Society (COMSOC)
Radio Communications Committee. He is on the Editorial Board of the
Elsevier Physical Communication (PHYCOM) Journal and serves as an
Associate Editor. Dr. Tureli was an Associate Editor for IEEE
Transactions on Vehicular Technology in 2009.