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Special Day on Sequences, Randomness, and Complexity

Special Day on Sequences, Randomness, and Complexity
24 November, Thursday
11:00-11:50:  On some measures of pseudorandomness
by Arne Winterhof (*) (RICAM, Linz)
13:40-14:30 Results and problems on randomness and complexity of sequences
by Harald Niederreiter (*) (Austrian Academy of Sciences)
14:40-15:30 tba
by Ferruh Ozbudak (*) (METU, Ankara)
16:00-16:50 Linear complexity and Edwards curves
by Laszlo Merai (*) (Hungarian Academy of Sciences)
17:00-18:00 Discussion
(*) Partially supported by TUBITAK ISBAP project 107T897.
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