To the Attention of students who want to add the course ENS 302
Technology and Society :
(1) This year the capacity of the course has been reduced to 30 students because of the reasons below.
(2) A third of the course time shall be devoted to student presentations followed at the end by a quiz.
(3) Attendance defacto becomes almost compulsory under the new delivery structure of the course.
(4) Students who are willing to attend and contribute to the course are welcome to add it ; others are discouraged.
(5) On my T-disk under the name inan , public folder under ENS302 for 2012 you will find the information on detailed description of the course.
This includes grading policy, attendance requirements, course contents for the thirteen 3-hour sessions, topic proposals for the presentations for 30 students and thirteen set of
tentative power point slides to be used in the course.
You can e-mail me for further questions.
Kemal İnan
Mühendislik ve Doğa Bilimleri Fakültesi
Sabancı Üniversitesi
34956 Tuzla , İstanbul
Ofis : MDBF 1013
Ofis Tel: 9518
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