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Achievement of Dr. Özlem Oral

 FENS Post-doctoral Research Fellow Dr. Özlem Oral receives TÜBİTAK Career Development Program (3501) Grant award. TUBITAK will fund Özlem Oral's research project titled ": Molecular and Cellular Analysis of Autophagy in a Lysosomal Storage Disease, Gaucher Disease " in the next 3 years.

The research will be conducted as a collaborative project at Gozuacik Lab in Biological Sciences and Bioengineering Program laboratories of Sabanci University and Medical Biology Department of Hacettepe University.

In her project, Dr. Oral will analyze the molecular and cellular relation between autophagy mechanism and activation in Gaucher Disease which is a hereditary genetic disease often observed in Turkey. This project will contribute to the molecular biology, biochemistry and cell biology knowledge about the generation, development and progression of Gaucher Disease and autophagy and therefore help for diagnosis and treatment of disease.



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