CS 480 Special Topics in Computer Science and Engineering
CS 480 – Special Topics in Computer Science and Engineering
Internet Programming
Course Description
This course will focus on server-side technologies for mobile and web development. Students will gain experience in building mobile/web applications using web services through real life projects. Topics will include HTML, XML, JavaScript, Essentials of Object-Oriented Programming (with C# and Java), Remote Procedure Calls, and Web Services.
Prerequisites: CS 204
Introduction to application development
- Tools for application development (IDE, Source code management)
- Server-side vs. Client-side programming: Difference between server and client tasks
- Application Development Practices
- Fat/Thin client systems
- N-tiered software development
- MVC pattern and its applications
- Client-side application development
- HTML web pages
- Mobile application development with web technologies
- Introduction to JavaScript
- Server-side application development
- Essentials of Object Oriented Programming (with C# and Java)
- Design and reuse of software components (Libraries and API’s)
- Database Integration
- Remote Procedure Calls
- Remote Method Invocation (RMI)
- .NET Remoting
- Web Services: RESTful vs. RESTless services
Supplementary Material
Programming with World Wide Web by Robert Sebesta
Instructors: Yücel Saygın (ysaygin@sabanciuniv.edu) & Cemal Yılmaz (cyilmaz@sabanciuniv.edu)