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MSc Thesis Jury Declaration and Thesis Defense Dates

Dear MSc. Students, 

To be accounted as a 2013-2014 Spring Semester Graduate;

August, 06th, 2014: Last Day of Thesis Defense for All Graduates

Graduates who wish to participate to the commencement ceremony;

May,16th, 2014: Last Day of Thesis Defense for All Graduates

Please declare your jury members to us via e-mail 1 MONTH before your Thesis Defense date. For Example; if your thesis defense is on May 09th, you should declare your jury members no later than April 09th.

According to Instruction Letter for Graduate Programs Article 34 - 2;

      * The Thesis Jury consists of 3 or 5 faculty members.

      * One of which is the student's thesis advisor.

      * At least one jury member should be in another field at SU Faculty or in other institutions of higher education faculties.

      * If the Thesis Jury consists of 3 people, the second thesis advisor cannot be a jury member. Moreover, one substitute member is also assigned.

Not: Please declare your jury members with their titles. Especially for the jury members who are from other institutions, please inform their titles, institution name and programmes.




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