MS 481 / IE 581 Additive Manufacturing
MS 481 / IE 581 Special Topics: Additive Manufacturing
Instructor: Prof. Bahattin Koc Office: FENS G013
Pre-requisite: ENS 209 or Computer Aided Design (CAD) knowledge or permission of instructor
Objective of the course: Learn the fundamentals Additive Manufacturing processes, their materials, design, path planning and applications of Additive Manufacturing processes.
Additive Manufacturing is defined as the process of adding materials layer-by-layer to manufacture parts from three-dimensional (3D) computer models. Additive Manufacturing also called Layered Manufacturing, 3D Printing or Solid Freeform Fabrication is considered one of the next-manufacturing revolution. This course will introduce the fundamentals of Additive Manufacturing processes. The topics covered include various additive manufacturing processes and their process principles, the materials used, computer-aided design and path planning for additive manufacturing processes, proces-related limitations and constraints and applications of Additive Manufacturing. The course also includes several related hands-on projects.
Grade Distribution for the course is as follows:
MS 481 IE 581
Assignments……………...................20% 10%
Projects…………………...................40% 35%
Review Paper……………………….....N/A 15%
Final Exam .....................................40% 40%
Total…….........................................100 % 100%