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New Inter Faculty Course: Fantasy, Reality, Science, and Society


Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences

Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences

Faculty of Management

Fall Semestre 2014



A New InterFaculty (IF) Course:


IF200: Fantasy, Reality, Science, and Society


Thursdays 16:40 - 19:30 Room: FMAN 1099



First class: Thursday 18  September



1. Water: Its Physics, Nanophysics, Chemistry, and  Geopolitics,  18,25 September

Sondan Durukanlu Feyiz

2. Gender and  Cultural Rights, Richness in Diversity,  2,16 October

Leyla Neyzi

3. Jules Verne, Literature, Fantasy, Reality,  23,30 October

Halil Berktay

4. Economy, Politics, and  Regional Associations/Dissociations,  6 November

Kemal Derviş

5. Economy, Finance, and  Your Future Well-Being,  13  November

Özgür Demirtaş

6. Quantum Computing and  Time Travel,  20,27 November

Zafer Gedik

7. Barriers in Istanbul Facing Specially Challenged Persons, 4,11 December

Zeynep Yelçe

8. Phase Changes, Scale Invariance, Universality, Brain and  Memories,  18,25 December

Nihat Berker



Each unit takes 2 consecutive Thursdays 16:40 19:30 in FMAN 1099.  (Units 4 and  5 each take 1 Thursday and  have one  combined Quiz on  13  November)

Quiz at the end  of each unit.  Must pass 5 units out of 7 to receive passing (letter) grade. The  letter grade will be determined from the average of all 7 quiz grades.

Enrolment quota:  200 students


Coordinator:   Nihat Berker  216-483-9011






FENS Dean's Office

Orta Mahalle, 34956 Tuzla, İstanbul, Türkiye

+90 216 483 96 00

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