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KTMM Seminar:A seminar on two emerging areas of polymer technology


15 KASIM Çarşamba günü, 13:40-14:30 saatleri arasında Kompozit Teknolojileri Mükemmeliyet Merkezinde, Güralp Özkoç, Kocaeli Universty "Biodegradable polymer compounds and POSS as a new nano-hybrid polymer additive başlıklı seminer verecektir.


Sabancı Üniversitesi -Teknopark Gidiş 

Araç Hareket Saati : 13:00
Araç Hareket Alanı : Sunum Binası Önü 

Teknopark- Sabancı Üniversitesi Dönüş

Araç Hareket Saati : 15:00

Araç Hareket Alanı : KTMM Binası Önü    


Title:                    Biodegradable polymer compounds and POSS as a new nano-hybrid polymer additive

Speaker:             Güralp Özkoç, Kocaeli Universty

Time:                   Nov..15, 2017, 13:40-14:30

Place:                  Teknopark- KTMM


In recent years two topics, amongst other topics, have been of interest to me in the area of polymer science and technology: biodegradable polymers and POSS related polymer nanocomposites. Biodegradable polymers are specific type of polymers that break-down, after its intended purpose, in natural by-products such as CO2, water and biomass. PLA, a linear polyester, can be obtained from renewable resources, such as corn starch and sugar cane. It is one of the well-known members of biodegradable polymers due to its relatively low price and industrial scale production. In the first part of the seminar, my focus is on PLA blends, PLA composites and nanocomposites. Furthermore, I will zoom in on plasticized and non-plasticized PLA, elastomer toughened PLA, PLA/CNT, PLA/HNT and PLA/NF systems in terms of their thermal and mechanical properties, micro-/nano-morphology and their crystallization behavior.


POSSs are organic/inorganic hybrid nanoparticles having the empirical formula RSiO1.5, where R is a hydrogen atom or an organic functional group such as an alkyl, alkylene, acrylate, hydroxyl, or epoxide unit, etc. The incorporation of POSS moieties into a polymeric matrix can dramatically improve its mechanical properties as well as reducing its flammability, heat evolution, and viscosity during processing. In the second part of the seminar my POSS related works will be summarized: the function of POSS in immiscible polymer blends, adhesion enhanced POSS in fiber/rubber systems, POSS as a cross-linker for shape memory polyolefin or hydrogel coatings and POSS as an adjuvant flame retardant additive in FR systems will be highlighted.  


Dr. Ozkoc was born in Sinop in 1979. He graduated from the Chemical Engineering Department of Gazi University in 2001. He received his M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees from Middle East Technical University at the Department of Polymer Science and Technology. His interest of research was ‘ABS/PA-6 blends, their short glass fiber composites and clay-based nanocomposites’. He also worked as an intern-researcher at DSM Research (The Netherlands) on ‘extruder screw design and mixing’. He started at Kocaeli University, Department of Chemical Engineering in 2008 as an assistant professor. He was one of the founders of the Graduate Program of Polymer Science and Technology and had worked as the chair-person from 2011 to 2017. He received his associate professorship degree in Chemical Engineering in 2011. He worked 3 years as a vice director at the Institute of Natural Sciences of Kocaeli University. Dr. Ozkoc owns an R&D company in KOU Teknopark. He supervised 14 M.Sc. and 4 Ph.D. thesis. Furthermore, he holds three patents. He has collaborated with many companies in industrial projects. Dr. Ozkoc’s research interests are polymer compounding, polymer composites, nanocomposites and blends, biodegradable polymers and elastomers.




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