Invitation: Free Structural and Composite Laminate Optimization Course
Dear all,
- The size of the class is limited to 50 person. Therefore, please send your attendance request with an email to Nuray Tatli ( Make sure to receive confirmation before coming to the class.
- Please arrive early to the first lecture (9:30). A safety training will be held upon first arrival to the center.
- Lectures are free of charge
*Address:Sabancı Üniversitesi Kompozit Teknolojileri Mükemmeliyet Merkezi (KTMM), Kordsa Binası-Teknopark, İstanbul Teknoloji Geliştirme Bölgesi, Sanayi Mah. Teknopark Bulvarı No:1/1B, 34906 Pendik / İstanbul-Türkiye
*Date: 26.06.2018 Tuesday (First Lecture)
*Time: 10:00-11:20
*Language: English
STRUCTURAL and Composite Laminate Optimization
Instructor: Zafer Gürdal
Lectures: T, Th: 10:00-11:20, Room: Conference Hall-3rd floor Composite Center
Description: Introduction to optimization concepts in structural design. Application of techniques of mathematical programming along with matrix structural analysis to optimize trusses, beams, columns, and other structures. Integer Programming and Genetic Algorithms for designs with discrete variables, in particular Composite Laminate Optimization. Sensitivity calculations of structural response. Approximation techniques. Fast reanalysis techniques.
Goals and Overall goal of the course is to enable engineers to formulate and solve structural
Learning Outcomes: design problems using advances design optimization tools along with advanced structural analysis tools in an efficient and accurate manner. A major emphasis will be integration of matrix methods of engineering analysis with design optimization tools. The specific learning outcomes are to be able to:
- prescribe a given structural design problem into a standard mathematical optimization formulation
- find a suitable optimization algorithm and structural analysis tool for the solution
- integrate an optimization tool with structural analysis tools for iterative design
- implement structural sensitivity analysis for linear, nonlinear, and eigenvalue problems
- implement approximation concepts for linear and nonlinear structural response
- perform composite laminate stacking sequence optimization
Textbook: Class notes.
References: R. T. Haftka and Z. Gürdal, Elements of Structural Optimization, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, 1993.
Z. Gürdal, R.T. Haftka, and P. Hajela, Design and Optimization of Laminated Composite Materials, John Wiley & Sons, Inc, New York, NY, 1999.
Required Tool: Mathematica software will be heavily used throughout the course, and students will benefit from having their own copy in lieu of a textbook.
Course Topics: Among the topics to be covered are:
Introduction to Structural Optimization
Review of Unconstrained & Constrained Optimization
Introduction and Review of Matrix Structural Analysis
Karush-Kuhn-Tucker Conditions
Classical Tools in Structural Optimization
Optimization of Truss & Membrane Structures
Integer Programming and Genetic Algorithms
Sensitivity Analysis, Adjoint Method
Sensitivity of Eigenvalue and Nonlinear Problems
Local and Global Approximations
Fast Reanalysis Techniques
Topology Optimization