Intelligent Radio Frequency Adaptive Networking (IRFAN) Dr. U.Tureli
EE/CS SEMINAR: Hierarchical Representations using Kingman's Coalescent
Seeing the Invisible with Diffusion-Weigh.. E.Özarslan,Dec 23,L045
"Phys Seminar,R.Mustafa Öksüzoğlu,22 Dec.,13:40, FENS L045
A Succesful Application... December 23, 2010 at FENS L027, 13:40-14:30
Seeing the Invisible with Diffusion -Weighted Magnetic Resonance
Samet Zihir received the best student paper award @ SiRF 2010.
Electronic Engineering student, Tolga Dinç's Success
In Pursuit of Photorealism:How Modern Video.. Dec 20,14:30 G029
Physics Seminar Aziz Kolkıran,15 December 2010, Wed.13:40. FENS L045