Additional capacity will be available during Add-Drop period.
Please note that ENS 204 Mechanics is a pre-requisite of the course ME 301 Mechanical Systems Course.
Undergraduate students who are willing to be a TA
Attention to FENS Students: to enroll ENS 491 course Students must provide both of two requirements (completing 80 credits and completing pre-requisite course of their own program)
We are looking for Learning Assistants for the CS 201 (Introduction to Computing) course for the upcoming Fall semester (Fall 2018-2019).
Publons 2018 Peer Review Awards were announced. Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences faculty member Emre Erdem has been named a top reviewer in Publons' global Peer Review Awards.
New requirement for ENS 491 course: Students must provide both of two requirements (completing 80 credits and completing pre-requisite course of their own program) to enroll ENS 491 course.
Attention to senior FENS students: The course overloading deadline is October 2nd.
Publons 2018 Peer Review Awards were announced
Due to classroom capacity issues, there will be a change in the time (and the place) of the ENS 208 A lecture hours on Wednesday.