Process Analysis of Manufacturing Composites Structures with Vacuum-Bag-Only Prepregs and the Co-curing Process for Honeycomb Core Sandwich Structure.
Efficient routes for achieving superior and multi-functional composites: Investigation by Fractography.
Effect of Defects in Qualification of Advanced Manufactured Parts by ICME Tool Set
We are delighted to announce our outstanding graduate students FENS Teaching Award recipients.
Aydın Aysu, North Carolina State Üniversitesinin 'Electrical and Computer Engineering / Elektronik ve Bilgisayar Mühendisligi' departmanında önümüzdeki dönem 'Tenure-Track Assistant Professor' pozisyonunda göreve başlayacak
Electronic Engineering 2009 graduate Rabia Tuğçe Yazıcıgil received a dissertation award from Columbia University for her dissertation “Compressive Sampling as an Enabling Solution for Energy-Efficient and Rapid Wideband RF Spectrum Sensing in Emerging Cognitive Radio Systems”.
Impact of Renewables on System Protection by Assoc. Prof. Dr. İlhan Koçar, July 12th Thursday, 13:30, FENS G025
The accreditation period of the Computer Science & Engineering and Electronics Engineering degree programs at the Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences has been extended by MÜDEK until 30 September 2021.
Mechatronics Ph.D. student Abdolali Khalili Sadaghiani was one of the recipients of Poster Award in Poster Competition in 2018 Symposium on Advances in Thermal and Fluid Sciences, Izmir with his poster about ‘Boiling on 3D Foam Like Graphene Coated Surfaces’.
Practical Knowledge of Machine Learning and discover new MATLAB® features