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FENS Faculty Members...

The Success of FENS Faculty members Hikmet BUDAK, Kemalettin ERBATUR and Meriç ÖZCAN:
Among the projects supported by the TUBITAK Academic Research Funding Programmes Directorate (ARDEB) in the 2005-2010 period, the research projects of HIKMET BUDAK, KEMALETTIN ERBATUR  and MERIC OZCAN are selected for the  "SUCCESS STORIES"  Program.

The projects are presented to the public on 20 April 2011 in Ankara in the Success Strories Presentation Days event with the participation of Prof. Dr. Mehmet AYDIN (minister of state responsible with science and technology) and TÜBİTAK President Prof. Dr. Nüket YETİŞ .


Hikmet Budak:  
"Kuraklık Stres Mekanizmasına Moleküler ve Fizyolojik Yaklasımlar"

Kemalettin Erbatur:
"İki Bacaklı İnsansı Robot Tasarım, İmalat ve Kontrolü"

Meriç Özcan:
"3 Boyutlu Optik Holografi ve Mikrofon Dizisi Kullanarak Yüzey Sekil Değistirmesini
Görüntüleme Sistemi"



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