Cryptography and Information SECurity Group

Faculty Members
PhD Students
Ahmet Can Mert
Artrim Kjamilji
Atıl Utku Ay
Merve Can Kuş
Nasim Tavakkoli
Tolun Tosun
Anes Abdennebi
Ufuk Oner
Master Students
Ali Şah Özcan
Berke Atac
Can Ayduman
Cavit Ozbay
Ceren Yıldırım
Elif Pinar On
Emine Ahsen Akay
Enes Recep Türkoğlu
Ethem Tunal Hamzaoglu
Faik Kerem Ors
Furkan Reha Tutaş
Halit Alptekin
Kemal Derya
Mustafa Aydin
Özgün Özerk
Şevval Simsek
Graduate Alumni
Name | Degree | Year | Thesis/Dissertation Title | First Position |
Muhammed Ali Bingöl | PhD | 2019 | Efficient and Secure Schemes for Private Function Evaluation | TUBITAK |
Leyli Karaçay | PhD | 2019 | Privacy-preserving İntrusion Detection using Network data | Ericsson |
Duygu Karaoğlan Altop | PhD | 2016 | Secure intra-network communication for body area networks | Sabancı University (Faculty Member) |
Cengiz Örencik | PhD | 2014 | Privacy-preserving ranked search over encrypted cloud data | Beykent University (Faculty Member) |
Belal Mohammed Amro | PhD | 2012 | Privacy-awareBoğaziçi collaborative traffic monitoring via anonymous access and autonomous location update mechanism | Hebron University (Faculty Member) |
Ahmet Onur Durahim | PhD | 2012 | Security, Privacy, and Trust in Wireless Mesh Networks | Bogazici University (Faculty Member) |
Name | Degree | Year | Thesis/Dissertation Title | First Position |
Anıl Elakaş | MSc | 2020 | Load Balancing by Using Machine Learning in CPU-GPU Heterogeneous Database Management System | Fibabanka |
Tolun Tosun | MSc | 2019 | Practical and Fully Secure Multi Keyword Ranked Search Over Encrypted Data with Lightweight Client | Sabanci University |
Beste Seymen | MSc | 2019 | On the Establishment of Pseudo Random Keys for Body Area Network Security Using Physiological Signals | Sony |
Çağla Koca | MSc | 2018 | An FPGA based approach for Černý conjecture falsification | - |
Omer Mert Candan | MSc | 2017 | Secure Multimedia Communication in Smart Devices Reinforced by using One-time Keys | University of Massachusetts Amherst |
Laleh Eskandarian | MSc | 2017 | Secure Key Agreement Using Cancelable and Noninvertible Biometrics Based on Periodic Transformation | Bilkent University |
Ramin Armanfar | MSc | 2017 | A Practical Privacy-Preserving Public Key Repository | University of Passau |
Atıl Utku Ay | MSc | 2016 | Design and implementation of a constant-time FPGA accelerator for fast elliptic curve cryptography | TÜBİTAK |
Marco Chiappetta | MSc | 2016 | Real time detection of cache-based side-channel attacks using hardware performance counters | Hipo |
Dilara Akdoğan | MSc | 2016 | Secure key agreement using pure biometrics | Celonis |
Ayşe Selçuk Demirci | MSc | 2015 | Private search over big data leveraging distributed file system and parallel processing | TOBB ETU |
Gamze Tillem | MSc | 2015 | Hiding query access patterns in range queries using private information retrieval and oblivious ram | TU Delft |
Yusuf Külah | MSc | 2015 | SpyCatcher: lightweight online approaches for detecting cache-based side channel attacks | Yeditepe University |
Naim Alperen Pulur | MSc | 2015 | Medically Adaptive Role Based Access Control Model (MAR-BAC) | SemperTech |
Gizem Selcan Çetin | MSc | 2014 | Sorting problem in fully homomorphic encrypted data | Worcester Polytechnic Institute |
Ecem Ünal | MSc | 2014 | Parallel, scalable and bandwidth-optimized computational private information retrieval | SAP |
Can Serhat Leloğlu | MSc | 2013 | Secure and seamless prepayment for wireless mesh networks | Wallit |
Merve Sahin | MSc | 2013 | Dynamic keyring update mechanism for mobile wireless sensor networks | EURECOM |
Onur Catakoglu | MSc | 2013 | Uneven key predistribution scheme for multiphase wireless sensor networks | - |
Salim Sarimurat | MSc | 2013 | Hash graph based key predistribution scheme for mobile and multiphase wireless sensor networks | - |
Firat Tahaoglu | MSc | 2012 | A security and privacy infrastructure for cloud computing using group signatures | Quintiq |
Leyli Karaçay | MSc | 2012 | Privacy-preserving targeted advertising scheme for IPTV using the cloud | Sabanci University |
Osman Kiraz | MSc | 2012 | Maintaining trajectory privacy in mobile wireless sensor networks | Turkcell |
Can Yildizli | MSc | 2011 | Increasing chances of survival for malware using theory of natural selection & the selfish gene | Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute |
Kubra Kalkan | MSc | 2011 | A key distribution scheme for mobile underwater wireless sensor networks | Bogazici University |
Mustafa Ozan Uysal | MSc | 2011 | A security framework for mobile communication | Turkcell |
Oya Simsek | MSc | 2011 | A distributed scheme to detect wormhole attacks in mobile wireless sensor networks | - |
Kevser Karaca | MSc | 2011 | A key distribution scheme tailored for mobile sensor networks. | - |
Huseyin Ergin | MSc | 2011 | Implementation of key distribution schemes on real sensor network nodes | Huawei |
Yarkin Doroz | MSc | 2011 | Constructing Cluster of Simple FPGA Boards for Cryptologic Computations | Worcester Polytechnic Institute |
Can Yucel | MSc | 2010 | A secure prepaid micropayment scheme for wireless mesh networks | - |
Erman Pattuk | MSc | 2010 | Proxy-Secure Computation Model: Application to K-Means Clustering Implementation, Analysis and Improvements | TUBITAK |
Murat Ergun | MSc | 2010 | Resilient and highly connected key predistribution schemes for wireless sensor networks | Huawei |
Duygu Karaoğlan Altop | MSc | 2009 | A key establishment scheme for wireless mesh networks using identity-based cryptography and threshold secret sharing | Sabanci University |
Omer Zekvan Yilmaz | MSc | 2009 | The effect of time dimension and network dynamics on key distribution in wireless sensor networks | TUBITAK |
Cengiz Örencik | MSc | 2008 | Fuzzy vault scheme for fingerprint verification: implementation, analysis and improvements | Sabanci University |
Ayse Gul Karatop | MSc | 2008 | A Modified Identity Based Encryption System | NETAS |
Ismail Fatih Yildirim | MSc | 2008 | SecurePL: A Compiler and Toolbox for Practical and Easy Secure Multiparty Computation | Sabanci University |
Ovunc Kocabas | MSc | 2008 | Design and Realization of an Embedded Processor for Cryptographic Applications | University of Rochester |
Ersin Oksuzoglu | MSc | 2008 | Fast, compact and secure implementation of RSA on dedicated hardware | Rice University |
Can Berk Guder | MSc | 2008 | Effcient and secure delivery of area-persistent safety messages in vehicular ad hoc networks | Pivotal Labs |
Abdulhakim Unlu | MSc | 2006 | Two-tier, location-aware and highly resilient key predistribution scheme for wireless sensor networks | - |
Sinan Egemen Tasci | MSc | 2006 | Simple and Flexible Random Key Predistribution Schemes for Wireless Sensor Networks Using Deployment Knowledge | - |
Zafer Gurel | MSc | 2004 | The Design and Development of Secure Password Synchronization and Querying System for Enterprise Networks | Advancity |
Cagil Can Oniz | MSc | 2004 | Design and Development of Cryptographic Fair Exchange Protocols | - |
Burak Bayoglu | MSc | 2004 | Performance Evaluation OF WTLS Handshake Protocol using RSA AND Elliptic Curve Cryptosystems | TUBITAK |
Mahmut Ozcan | MSc | 2003 | Design and development of practical and secure e-mail system | Cybersoft |
Here's some of key research topics we work on.
1. (2019 – 2021) - Implementations of Lattice-Based Cryptographic Arithmetic Blocks and Their Utilization in Homomorphic Encryption Applications, funded by TÜBİTAK (Scientific and Technical Research Council of Turkey), (PI: Prof. Erkay Savaş, Researcher: Ast. Prof. Erdinç Öztürk)
2. (2018 – 2020) - Probabilistic Techniques and Data Structures for High Performance Database Management Systems, funded by TÜBİTAK (Scientific and Technical Research Council of Turkey), (Researcher: Ast. Prof. Erdinç Öztürk)
3. (2017 – 2020) - FUSE: Full-managed secure gateway for Home Automation Systems, funded by TÜBİTAK (Scientific and Technical Research Council of Turkey) and NCBiR (National Centre for Research and Development in Poland), (PI: Prof. Albert Levi)
[63] Artrim Kjamilji, Erkay Savas, Albert Levi, "Efficient Secure Building Blocks With Application to Privacy Preserving Machine Learning Algorithms.", IEEE Access, 2021. DOI.
[62] Gizem S. Cetin, Erkay Savas, Berk Sunar, "Homomorphic Sorting With Better Scalability.", IEEE Trans. Parallel Distributed Syst. , 2021. DOI.
[61] Ahmet Can Mert, Erdinc Ozturk, Erkay Savas, "Low-Latency ASIC Algorithms of Modular Squaring of Large Integers for VDF Evaluation.", IEEE Trans. Computers, 2020. DOI.
[60] Erdinc Ozturk, "Design and Implementation of a Low-Latency Modular Multiplication Algorithm.", IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst., 2020. DOI.
[59] Ahmet Can Mert, Emre Karabulut, Erdinc Ozturk, Erkay Savas, Aydin Aysu, "An Extensive Study of Flexible Design Methods for the Number Theoretic Transform.", IEEE Trans. Computers, 2020. DOI.
[58] Ahmet Can Mert, Erdinc Ozturk, Erkay Savas, "FPGA Implementation of a Run-time Configurable NTT-based Polynomial Multiplication Hardware.", Microprocess. Microsystems, 2020. DOI.
[57] Leyli Javid Khayati, Erkay Savas, Halit Alptekin, "Intrusion Detection Over Encrypted Network Data.", Comput. J., 2020. DOI.
[56] Taha Atahan Akyildiz, Can Berk Guzgeren, Cemal Yilmaz, Erkay Savas, "MeltdownDetector: A Runtime Approach for Detecting Meltdown Attacks.", Future Gener. Comput. Syst., 2020. DOI.
[55] Ahmet Can Mert, Erdinc Ozturk, Erkay Savas, "Design and Implementation of Encryption/Decryption Architectures for BFV Homomorphic Encryption Scheme.", IEEE Trans. Very Large Scale Integr. Syst., 2020. DOI.
[54] Kamil Doruk Gur, Yuriy Polyakov, Kurt Rohloff, Gerard W. Ryan, Hadi Sajjadpour, Erkay Savas, "Practical Applications of Improved Gaussian Sampling for Trapdoor Lattices.", IEEE Trans. Computers, 2019. DOI.
[53] Yusuf Kulah, Berkay Dincer, Cemal Yilmaz, Erkay Savas, "SpyDetector: An approach for detecting side-channel attacks at runtime.", Int. J. Inf. Sec., 2019. DOI.
[52] Belal Amro, Albert Levi, Yucel Saygin, "Flexible fair and collusion resistant pseudonym providing system.", Int. Arab J. Inf. Technol., 2019. DOI.
[51] Dilara Akdogan, Duygu Karaoglan Altop, Albert Levi, "Secure key agreement based on ordered biometric features.", Comput. Networks, 2019. DOI.
[50] Mariusz Gajewski, Jordi Mongay Batalla, Albert Levi, Cengiz Togay, Constandinos X. Mavromoustakis, George Mastorakis, "Two-tier anomaly detection based on traffic profiling of the home automation system.", Comput. Networks, 2019. DOI.
[49] Muhammed Ali Bingol, Osman Bicer, Mehmet Sabir Kiraz, Albert Levi, "An Efficient 2-Party Private Function Evaluation Protocol Based on Half Gates.", Comput. J., 2019. DOI.
[48] Duygu Karaoglan Altop, Beste Seymen, Albert Levi, "SKA-PS: Secure key agreement protocol using physiological signals.", Ad Hoc Networks, 2019. DOI.
[47] Wei Dai 0007, Yarkin Doroz, Yuriy Polyakov, Kurt Rohloff, Hadi Sajjadpour, Erkay Savas, Berk Sunar, "Implementation and Evaluation of a Lattice-Based Key-Policy ABE Scheme.", IEEE Trans. Information Forensics and Security, 2018. DOI.
[46] Atil U. Ay, Cuauhtemoc Mancillas-Lopez, Erdinc Ozturk, Francisco Rodriguez-Henriquez, Erkay Savas, "Constant-time hardware computation of elliptic curve scalar multiplication around the 128 bit security level.", Microprocess. Microsystems, 2018. DOI.
[45] Erkay Savas, Cetin Kaya Koc, "Montgomery inversion.", J. Cryptographic Engineering, 2018. DOI.
[44] Francisco Rodriguez-Henriquez, Erkay Savas, "Special issue in honor of Peter Lawrence Montgomery.", J. Cryptographic Engineering, 2018. DOI.
[43] Cem Topcuoglu, Kamer Kaya, Erkay Savas, "A generic Private Information Retrieval scheme with parallel multi-exponentiations on multicore processors.", Concurr. Comput. Pract. Exp., 2018. DOI.
[42] Merve Can Kus Khalilov, Albert Levi, "A Survey on Anonymity and Privacy in Bitcoin-Like Digital Cash Systems.", IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials, 2018. DOI.
[41] Dilara Akdogan, Duygu Karaoglan Altop, Laleh Eskandarian, Albert Levi, "Secure key agreement protocols: Pure biometrics and cancelable biometrics.", Comput. Networks, 2018. DOI.
[40] Erdinc Ozturk, Yarkin Doroz, Erkay Savas, Berk Sunar, "A Custom Accelerator for Homomorphic Encryption Applications.", IEEE Trans. Computers, 2017. DOI.
[39] Gamze Tillem, Erkay Savas, Kamer Kaya, "A New Method for Computational Private Information Retrieval.", Comput. J., 2017. DOI.
[38] Duygu Karaoglan Altop, Albert Levi, Volkan Tuzcu, "Deriving cryptographic keys from physiological signals.", Pervasive Mob. Comput., 2017. DOI.
[37] Albert Levi, Salim Sarimurat, "Utilizing hash graphs for key distribution for mobile and replaceable interconnected sensors in the IoT context.", Ad Hoc Networks, 2017. DOI.
[36] Duygu Karaoglan Altop, Muhammed Ali Bingol, Albert Levi, Erkay Savas, "DKEM: Secure and efficient Distributed Key Establishment Protocol for Wireless Mesh Networks.", Ad Hoc Networks, 2017. DOI.
[35] Ecem Unal, Erkay Savas, "On Acceleration and Scalability of Number Theoretic Private Information Retrieval.", IEEE Trans. Parallel Distrib. Syst., 2016. DOI.
[34] Mehran Mozaffari Kermani, Erkay Savas, Shambhu J. Upadhyaya, "Guest Editorial: Introduction to the Special Issue on Emerging Security Trends for Deeply-Embedded Computing Systems.", IEEE Trans. Emerging Topics Comput., 2016. DOI.
[33] Leyli Javid Khayati, Cengiz Orencik, Erkay Savas, Berkant Ustaoglu, "A practical privacy-preserving targeted advertising scheme for IPTV users.", Int. J. Inf. Sec., 2016. DOI.
[32] Cengiz Orencik, Ayse Selcuk, Erkay Savas, Murat Kantarcioglu, "Multi-Keyword search over encrypted data with scoring and search pattern obfuscation.", Int. J. Inf. Sec., 2016. DOI.
[31] Mahmoud Alewiwi, Cengiz Orencik, Erkay Savas, "Efficient top-k similarity document search utilizing distributed file systems and cosine similarity.", Cluster Computing, 2016. DOI.
[30] Marco Chiappetta, Erkay Savas, Cemal Yilmaz, "Real time detection of cache-based side-channel attacks using hardware performance counters.", Appl. Soft Comput., 2016. DOI.
[29] Cagatay Karabat, Mehmet S. Kiraz, Hakan Erdogan, Erkay Savas, "THRIVE: threshold homomorphic encryption based secure and privacy preserving biometric verification system.", EURASIP J. Adv. Signal Process., 2015. DOI.
[28] Erkay Savas, Cemal Yilmaz, "A Generic Method for the Analysis of a Class of Cache Attacks: A Case Study for AES.", Comput. J., 2015. DOI.
[27] Kazim Yumbul, Erkay Savas, "Enhancing an Embedded Processor Core for Efficient and Isolated Execution of Cryptographic Algorithms .", Comput. J., 2015. DOI.
[26] Kazim Yumbul, Serdar Suer Erdem, Erkay Savas, "On Selection of Modulus of Quadratic Codes for the Protection of Cryptographic Operations against Fault Attacks.", IEEE Trans. Computers, 2014. DOI.
[25] Kazim Yumbul, Erkay Savas, Ovunc Kocabas, Johann Grobschadl, "Design and implementation of a versatile cryptographic unit for RISC processors.", Security and Communication Networks, 2014. DOI.
[24] Cengiz Orencik, Erkay Savas, "An efficient privacy-preserving multi-keyword search over encrypted cloud data with ranking.", Distributed and Parallel Databases, 2014. DOI.
[23] Kubra Kalkan, Albert Levi, "Key distribution scheme for peer-to-peer communication in mobile underwater wireless sensor networks.", Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications, 2014. DOI.
[22] Duygu Karaoglan, Albert Levi, "A Survey on the Development of Security Mechanisms for Body Area Networks.", Comput. J., 2014. DOI.
[21] Albert Levi, Ozgur Gurbuz, Antonio Mana, Marek Klonowski, Matteo Cesana, Mona Ghassemian, Susana Sargento, "A special issue of ad hoc networks on "Smart solutions for mobility supported distributed and embedded systems".", Ad Hoc Networks, 2014. DOI.
[20] Suleyman Kardas, Serkan Celik, Muhammet Yildiz, Albert Levi, "PUF-enhanced offline RFID security and privacy.", J. Netw. Comput. Appl., 2012. DOI.
[19] Ahmet Onur Durahim, Erkay Savas, "A", Ad Hoc Networks, 2011. DOI.
[18] Can Yildizli, Thomas Brochmann Pedersen, Yucel Saygin, Erkay Savas, Albert Levi, "Distributed Privacy Preserving Clustering via Homomorphic Secret Sharing and Its Application to (Vertically) Partitioned Spatio-Temporal Data.", IJDWM, 2011. DOI.
[17] Murat Ergun, Albert Levi, Erkay Savas, "Increasing Resiliency in Multi-phase Wireless Sensor Networks: Generationwise Key Predistribution Approach.", Comput. J., 2011. DOI.
[16] Emre Kaplan, Thomas Brochmann Pedersen, Erkay Savas, Yucel Saygin, "Discovering private trajectories using background information.", Data Knowl. Eng., 2010. DOI.
[15] Hayretdin Bahsi, Albert Levi, "Data Collection Framework for Energy Efficient Privacy Preservation in Wireless Sensor Networks Having Many-to-Many Structures.", Sensors, 2010. DOI.
[14] Abdulhakim Unlu, Albert Levi, "Two-Tier, Scalable and Highly Resilient Key Predistribution Scheme for Location-Aware Wireless Sensor Network Deployments.", MONET, 2010. DOI.
[13] Albert Levi, Sinan Emre Tasci, Young Jae Lee, Yong Jae Lee, Ersoy Bayramoglu, Murat Ergun, "Simple, extensible and flexible random key predistribution schemes for wireless sensor networks using reusable key pools.", J. Intelligent Manufacturing, 2010. DOI.
[12] Ahmet Onur Durahim, Erkay Savas, Berk Sunar, Thomas Brochmann Pedersen, Ovunc Kocabas, "Transparent code authentication at the processor level.", IET Computers and Digital Techniques, 2009. DOI.
[11] Thomas Brochmann Pedersen, Erkay Savas, "Impossibility of unconditionally secure scalar products.", Data Knowl. Eng., 2009. DOI.
[10] Erdinc Ozturk, Berk Sunar, Erkay Savas, "A versatile Montgomery multiplier architecture with characteristic three support.", Comput. Electr. Eng., 2009. DOI.
[9] Albert Levi, Can Berk Guder, "Understanding the limitations of S/MIME digital signatures for e-mails: A GUI based approach.", Comput. Secur., 2009. DOI.
[8] Selim Volkan Kaya, Erkay Savas, Albert Levi, Ozgur Ercetin, "Public key cryptography based privacy preserving multi-context RFID infrastructure.", Ad Hoc Networks, 2009. DOI.
[7] Berk Sunar, Gunnar Gaubatz, Erkay Savas, "Sequential Circuit Design for Embedded Cryptographic Applications Resilient to Adversarial Faults.", IEEE Trans. Computers, 2008. DOI.
[6] Ali Inan, Selim Volkan Kaya, Yucel Saygin, Erkay Savas, Ayca Azgin Hintoglu, Albert Levi, "Privacy preserving clustering on horizontally partitioned data.", Data Knowl. Eng., 2007. DOI.
[5] Vedat Coskun, Erdal Cayirci, Albert Levi, Serdar Sancak, "Quarantine Region Scheme to Mitigate Spam Attacks in Wireless Sensor Networks.", IEEE Trans. Mob. Comput., 2006. DOI.
[4] Erkay Savas, "A Carry-Free Architecture for Montgomery Inversion.", IEEE Trans. Computers, 2005. DOI.
[3] Albert Levi, M. Ufuk Caglayan, Cetin Kaya Koc, "Use of nested certificates for efficient, dynamic, and trust preserving public key infrastructure.", ACM Trans. Inf. Syst. Secur., 2004. DOI.
[2] Berk Sunar, Erkay Savas, Cetin Kaya Koc, "Constructing Composite Field Representations for Efficient Conversion.", IEEE Trans. Computers, 2003. DOI.
[1] Albert Levi, "How secure is secure Web browsing?", Commun. ACM, 2003. DOI.
[89] Faik Kerem Ors, Mustafa Aydin, Aysu Bogatarkan, Albert Levi, "Scalable Wi-Fi Intrusion Detection for IoT Systems.", NTMS, 2021. DOI.
[88 Ahmet Can Mert, Emre Karabulut, Erdinc Ozturk, Erkay Savas, Michela Becchi, Aydin Aysu, "A Flexible and Scalable NTT Hardware : Applications from Homomorphically Encrypted Deep Learning to Post-Quantum Cryptography.", DATE, 2020. DOI.
[87 Beste Seymen, Duygu Karaoglan Altop, Albert Levi, "Augmented Randomness for Secure Key Agreement using Physiological Signals.", CNS, 2020. DOI.
[86 Sinem Gur, Simge Demir, Sevval Simsek, Albert Levi, "Secure and Privacy-Aware Gateway for Home Automation Systems.", SIN, 2020. DOI.
[85 N. Mine Tülek, Müge Kuskon, Idil Sezgin, Albert Levi, "Disclosure of Personal Information in Passwords on Social Media.", SIU, 2020. DOI.
[84 Ahmet Can Mert, Erdinc Ozturk, Erkay Savas, "Design and Implementation of a Fast and Scalable NTT-Based Polynomial Multiplier Architecture.", DSD, 2019. DOI.
[83 Laleh Eskandarian, Dilara Akdogan, Duygu Karaoglan Altop, Albert Levi, "SKA-CaNPT: Secure Key Agreement using Cancelable and Noninvertible Biometrics based on Periodic Transformation.", CODASPY, 2019. DOI.
[82 David Bruce Cousins, Giovanni Di Crescenzo, Kamil Doruk Gur, Kevin King, Yuriy Polyakov, Kurt Rohloff, Gerard W. Ryan, Erkay Savas, "Implementing Conjunction Obfuscation Under Entropic Ring LWE.", IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy, 2018. DOI.
[81 Kamil Doruk Gur, Yuriy Polyakov, Kurt Rohloff, Gerard W. Ryan, Erkay Savas, "Implementation and Evaluation of Improved Gaussian Sampling for Lattice Trapdoors.", WAHC@CCS, 2018. DOI.
[80 Omer Mert Candan, Albert Levi, Cengiz Togay, "Generating One-Time Keys for Secure Multimedia Communication.", ICC Workshops, 2018. DOI.
[79 Duygu Karaoglan Altop, Albert Levi, Volkan Tuzcu, "Feature-level fusion of physiological parameters to be used as cryptographic keys.", ICC, 2017. DOI.
[78 Omer Mert Candan, Albert Levi, "Robust Two-factor smart card authentication.", BlackSeaCom, 2017. DOI.
[77 Duygu Karaoglan Altop, Albert Levi, Volkan Tuzcu, "SU-PhysioDB: A physiological signals database for body area network security.", BlackSeaCom, 2017. DOI.
[76 Atil U. Ay, Erdinc Ozturk, Francisco Rodriguez-Henriquez, Erkay Savas, "Design and implementation of a constant-time FPGA accelerator for fast elliptic curve cryptography.", ReConFig, 2016. DOI.
[75 Gamze Tillem, Omer Mert Candan, Erkay Savas, Kamer Kaya, "Hiding Access Patterns in Range Queries Using Private Information Retrieval and ORAM.", Financial Cryptography Workshops, 2016. DOI.
[74 Cengiz Togay, Albert Levi, "WebRTC based augmented secure communication.", SIU, 2016. DOI.
[73 Cengiz Orencik, Mahmoud Alewiwi, Erkay Savas, "Secure Sketch Search for Document Similarity.", TrustCom/BigDataSE/ISPA (1), 2015. DOI.
[72 Gizem S. Cetin, Yarkin Doroz, Berk Sunar, Erkay Savas, "Depth Optimized Efficient Homomorphic Sorting.", LATINCRYPT, 2015. DOI.
[71 Yarkin Doroz, Erdinc Ozturk, Erkay Savas, Berk Sunar, "Accelerating LTV Based Homomorphic Encryption in Reconfigurable Hardware.", CHES, 2015. DOI.
[70 Ece Egemen, Emre Inal, Albert Levi, "Mobile malware classification based on permission data.", SIU, 2015. DOI.
[69 Duygu Karaoglan Altop, Albert Levi, Volkan Tuzcu, "Towards using physiological signals as cryptographic keys in Body Area Networks.", PervasiveHealth, 2015. DOI.
[68 Naim Alperen Pulur, Duygu Karaoglan Altop, Albert Levi, "A Role and Activity Based Access Control for Secure Healthcare Systems.", ISCIS, 2015. DOI.
[67 Dilara Akdogan, Duygu Karaoglan Altop, Albert Levi, "Secure key agreement using pure biometrics.", CNS, 2015. DOI.
[66 Ecem Unal, Erkay Savas, "Bandwidth-Optimized Parallel Private Information Retrieval.", SIN, 2014. DOI.
[65 Ali Can Atici, Cemal Yilmaz, Erkay Savas, "An Approach for Isolating the Sources of Information Leakage Exploited in Cache-Based Side-Channel Attacks.", SERE (Companion), 2013. DOI.
[64 Erkay Savas, "Attacks on implementations of cryptographic algorithms: side-channel and fault attacks.", SIN, 2013. DOI.
[63 Shawn Merrill, Nilgun Basalp, Joachim Biskup, Erik Buchmann, Chris Clifton, Bart Kuijpers, Walied Othman, Erkay Savas, "Privacy through Uncertainty in Location-Based Services.", MDM (2), 2013. DOI.
[62 Cengiz Orencik, Murat Kantarcioglu, Erkay Savas, "A Practical and Secure Multi-keyword Search Method over Encrypted Cloud Data.", IEEE CLOUD, 2013. DOI.
[61 Suleyman Kardas, Serkan Celik, Atakan Arslan, Albert Levi, "An Efficient and Private RFID Authentication Protocol Supporting Ownership Transfer.", LightSec, 2013. DOI.
[60 Onur Catakoglu, Albert Levi, "Uneven Key Pre-Distribution Scheme for Multi-Phase Wireless Sensor Networks.", ISCIS, 2013. DOI.
[59 Salim Sarimurat, Albert Levi, "HaG: Hash graph based key predistribution scheme for multiphase wireless sensor networks.", ICC, 2013. DOI.
[58 Osman Kiraz, Albert Levi, "Maintaining trajectory privacy in mobile wireless sensor networks.", CNS, 2013. DOI.
[57 Suleyman Kardas, Serkan Celik, Muhammed Ali Bingol, Albert Levi, "A New Security and Privacy Framework for RFID in Cloud Computing.", CloudCom (1), 2013. DOI.
[56 Merve Sahin, Albert Levi, "Dynamic key ring update mechanism for Mobile Wireless Sensor Networks.", BlackSeaCom, 2013. DOI.
[55 Leyli Javid Khayati, Erkay Savas, Berkant Ustaoglu, Cengiz Orencik, "Privacy-preserving Targeted Advertising Scheme for IPTV using the Cloud.", SECRYPT, 2012. DOI.
[54 Erkay Savas, Cemal Yilmaz, "Cache Attacks: An Information and Complexity Theoretic Approach.", NTMS, 2012. DOI.
[53 Selcuk Baktir, Erkay Savas, "Highly-Parallel Montgomery Multiplication for Multi-Core General-Purpose Microprocessors.", ISCIS, 2012. DOI.
[52 Cengiz Orencik, Erkay Savas, "Efficient and secure ranked multi-keyword search on encrypted cloud data.", EDBT/ICDT Workshops, 2012. DOI.
[51 Yarkin Doroz, Erkay Savas, "Constructing Cluster of Simple FPGA Boards for Cryptologic Computations.", ARC, 2012. DOI.
[50 Suleyman Kardas, Serkan Celik, Mehmet Sariyuce, Albert Levi, "A secure and private RFID authentication protocol based on quadratic residue.", SoftCOM, 2012. DOI.
[49 Ahmet Onur Durahim, Ismail Fatih Yildirim, Erkay Savas, Albert Levi, "Performance Evaluation of Different CRL Distribution Schemes Embedded in WMN Authentication.", ISCIS, 2012. DOI.
[48 Kazim Yumbul, Serdar Suer Erdem, Erkay Savas, "On Protecting Cryptographic Applications Against Fault Attacks Using Residue Codes.", FDTC, 2011. DOI.
[47 Belal Amro, Albert Levi, Yucel Saygin, "CoRPPS: Collusion Resistant Pseudonym Providing System.", SocialCom/PASSAT, 2011. DOI.
[46 Suleyman Kardas, Albert Levi, Ertugrul Murat, "Providing Resistance against Server Information Leakage in RFID Systems.", NTMS, 2011. DOI.
[45 Oya Simsek, Albert Levi, "A Distributed Scheme to Detect Wormhole Attacks in Mobile Wireless Sensor Networks.", ISCIS, 2011. DOI.
[44 Belal Amro, Yucel Saygin, Albert Levi, "PA-CTM: privacy aware collaborative traffic monitoring system using autonomous location update mechanism.", SPRINGL, 2011. DOI.
[43 Tansu Alpcan, Albert Levi, Erkay Savas, "Digital Trust Games: An Experimental Study.", GameSec, 2011. DOI.
[42 Kevser Karaca, Albert Levi, "Resilient key establishment for mobile sensor networks.", DCOSS, 2011. DOI.
[41 Hayretdin Bahsi, Albert Levi, "Preserving organizational privacy in intrusion detection log sharing.", CyCon, 2011. DOI.
[40 Kazim Yumbul, Serdar Suer Erdem, Erkay Savas, "Design and implementation of robust embedded processor for cryptographic applications.", SIN, 2010. DOI.
[39 Abdulkadir Akin, Aydin Aysu, Onur Can Ulusel, Erkay Savas, "Efficient hardware implementations of high throughput SHA-3 candidates keccak, luffa and blue midnight wish for single- and multi-message hashing.", SIN, 2010. DOI.
[38 Murat Ergun, Albert Levi, "Using combined keying materials for key distribution in wireless sensor networks.", PIMRC, 2010. DOI.
[37 Duygu Karaoglan, Albert Levi, Erkay Savas, "A distributed key establishment scheme for wireless mesh networks using identity-based cryptography.", Q2SWinet, 2010. DOI.
[36 Belal Amro, Yucel Saygin, Albert Levi, "P", SPRINGL, 2010. DOI.
[35 Tansu Alpcan, Cengiz Orencik, Albert Levi, Erkay Savas, "A game theoretic model for digital identity and trust in online communities.", AsiaCCS, 2010. DOI.
[34 Kazim Yumbul, Erkay Savas, "Efficient, secure, and isolated execution of cryptographic algorithms on a cryptographic unit.", SIN, 2009. DOI.
[33 Johann Grobschadl, Erkay Savas, Kazim Yumbul, "Realizing Arbitrary-Precision Modular Multiplication with a Fixed-Precision Multiplier Datapath.", ReConFig, 2009. DOI.
[32 Ahmet Onur Durahim, Erkay Savas, Kazim Yumbul, "Implementing a Protected Zone in a Reconfigurable Processor for Isolated Execution of Cryptographic Algorithms.", ReConFig, 2009. DOI.
[31 Kubra Kalkan, Sinem Yilmaz, Omer Zekvan Yilmaz, Albert Levi, "A highly resilient and zone-based key predistribution protocol for multiphase wireless sensor networks.", Q2SWinet, 2009. DOI.
[30 Murat Ergun, Albert Levi, Erkay Savas, "A resilient key predistribution scheme for multiphase wireless sensor networks.", ISCIS, 2009. DOI.
[29 Ahmet Onur Durahim, Albert Levi, "Dynamic Resiliency Analysis of Key Predistribution in Wireless Sensor Networks.", ICC, 2009. DOI.
[28 Hayretdin Bahsi, Albert Levi, "Energy Efficient Privacy Preserved Data Gathering in Wireless Sensor Networks Having Multiple Sinks.", CSA, 2009. DOI.
[27 Ayse Gul Karatop, Erkay Savas, "An identity-based key infrastructure suitable for messaging and its application to e-mail.", SecureComm, 2008. DOI.
[26 Cengiz Orencik, Thomas Brochmann Pedersen, Erkay Savas, Mehmet Keskinoz, "Improved Fuzzy Vault Scheme for Fingerprint Verification.", SECRYPT, 2008. DOI.
[25 Ovunc Kocabas, Erkay Savas, Johann Grobschadl, "Enhancing an Embedded Processor Core with a Cryptographic Unit for Speed and Security.", ReConFig, 2008. DOI.
[24 Ersin Oksuzoglu, Erkay Savas, "Parametric, Secure and Compact Implementation of RSA on FPGA.", ReConFig, 2008. DOI.
[23 Emre Kaplan, Thomas Brochmann Pedersen, Erkay Savas, Yucel Saygin, "Privacy Risks in Trajectory Data Publishing: Reconstructing Private Trajectories from Continuous Properties.", KES (2), 2008. DOI.
[22 Giray Komurcu, Erkay Savas, "An Efficient Hardware Implementation of the Tate Pairing in Characteristic Three.", ICONS, 2008. DOI.
[21 E. Onur Turgay, Thomas Brochmann Pedersen, Yucel Saygin, Erkay Savas, Albert Levi, "Disclosure Risks of Distance Preserving Data Transformations.", SSDBM, 2008. DOI.
[20 Omer Zekvan Yilmaz, Albert Levi, Erkay Savas, "Multiphase Deployment Models for Fast Self Healing in Wireless Sensor Networks.", SECRYPT, 2008. DOI.
[19 Omer Zekvan Yilmaz, Albert Levi, Erkay Savas, "Achieving Fast Self Healing in Wireless Sensor Networks Using Multi-generation Deployment Schemes.", ICETE (Selected Papers), 2008. DOI.
[18 Kevser Karaca, Albert Levi, "Towards a framework for security analysis of multiple password schemes.", EUROSEC, 2008. DOI.
[17 Mahir Can Doganay, Thomas Brochmann Pedersen, Yucel Saygin, Erkay Savas, Albert Levi, "Distributed privacy preserving k-means clustering with additive secret sharing.", PAIS, 2008. DOI.
[16 Abdulhakim Unlu, Albert Levi, "Two-Tier, Location-Aware and Highly Resilient Key Predistribution Scheme for Wireless Sensor Networks.", BCS Int. Acad. Conf., 2008. DOI.
[15 Selim Volkan Kaya, Thomas Brochmann Pedersen, Erkay Savas, Yucel Saygin, "Efficient Privacy Preserving Distributed Clustering Based on Secret Sharing.", PAKDD Workshops, 2007. DOI.
[14 Selim Volkan Kaya, Erkay Savas, Albert Levi, Ozgur Ercetin, "Privacy-Aware Multi-Context RFID Infrastructure Using Public Key Cryptography.", Networking, 2007. DOI.
[13 Abdulhakim Unlu, Onsel Armagan, Albert Levi, Erkay Savas, Ozgur Ercetin, "Key Predistribution Schemes for Sensor Networks for Continuous Deployment Scenario.", Networking, 2007. DOI.
[12 Cagil Can Oniz, Erkay Savas, Albert Levi, "An optimistic fair e-commerce protocol for large e-goods.", ISCN, 2006. DOI.
[11 Ali Inan, Yucel Saygin, Erkay Savas, Ayca Azgin Hintoglu, Albert Levi, "Privacy Preserving Clustering on Horizontally Partitioned Data.", ICDE Workshops, 2006. DOI.
[10 Erkay Savas, Berk Sunar, "A Practical and Secure Communication Protocol in the Bounded Storage Model.", ICN (2), 2005. DOI.
[9 Johann Grobschadl, Roberto Maria Avanzi, Erkay Savas, Stefan Tillich, "Energy-Efficient Software Implementation of Long Integer Modular Arithmetic.", CHES, 2005. DOI.
[8 Cagil Can Oniz, Erkay Savas, Albert Levi, "A Fair Multimedia Exchange Protocol.", ISCIS, 2005. DOI.
[7 Cagil Can Oniz, Sinan Emre Tasci, Erkay Savas, Ozgur Ercetin, Albert Levi, "SeFER: secure, flexible and efficient routing protocol for distributed sensor networks.", EWSN, 2005. DOI.
[6 Johann Grobschadl, Erkay Savas, "Instruction Set Extensions for Fast Arithmetic in Finite Fields GF( p) and GF(2", CHES, 2004. DOI.
[5] Erdinc Ozturk, Berk Sunar, Erkay Savas, "Low-Power Elliptic Curve Cryptography Using Scaled Modular Arithmetic.", CHES, 2004. DOI.
[4] Albert Levi, Erhan Cetintas, Murat Aydos, Cetin Kaya Koc, M. Ufuk Caglayan, "Relay Attacks on Bluetooth Authentication and Solutions.", ISCIS, 2004. DOI.
[3] Serdar Sancak, Erdal Cayirci, Vedat Coskun, Albert Levi, "Sensor wars: detecting and defending against spam attacks in wireless sensor networks.", ICC, 2004. DOI.
[2] Albert Levi, Mahmut Ozcan, "Practical and Secure E-Mail System (PractiSES).", ADVIS, 2004. DOI.
[1] Albert Levi, Erkay Savas, "Performance Evaluation of Public-Key Cryptosystem Operations in WTLS Protocol.", ISCC, 2003. DOI.
[19] Ferhat Yaman, Ahmet Can Mert, Erdinc Ozturk, Erkay Savas, "A Hardware Accelerator for Polynomial Multiplication Operation of CRYSTALS-KYBER PQC Scheme.", IACR Cryptology ePrint Archive, 2021. LINK.
[18] Ozgun Ozerk, Can Elgezen, Ahmet Can Mert, Erdinc Ozturk, Erkay Savas, "Efficient Number Theoretic Transform Implementation on GPU for Homomorphic Encryption.", IACR Cryptology ePrint Archive, 2021. LINK.
[17] Harun Oz, Ahmet Aris, Albert Levi, A. Selcuk Uluagac, "A Survey on Ransomware: Evolution, Taxonomy, and Defense Solutions.", CoRR, 2021. LINK.
[16] Ahmet Can Mert, Erdinc Ozturk, Erkay Savas, "Low-Latency ASIC Algorithms of Modular Squaring of Large Integers for VDF Applications.", IACR Cryptology ePrint Archive, 2020. LINK.
[15] Erdinc Ozturk, "Modular Multiplication Algorithm Suitable For Low-Latency Circuit Implementations.", IACR Cryptology ePrint Archive, 2019. LINK.
[14] Taha Atahan Akyildiz, Can Berk Guzgeren, Cemal Yilmaz, Erkay Savas, "MeltdownDetector: A Runtime Approach for Detecting Meltdown Attacks.", IACR Cryptology ePrint Archive, 2019. LINK.
[13] Ahmet Can Mert, Erdinc Ozturk, Erkay Savas, "Design and Implementation of a Fast and Scalable NTT-Based Polynomial Multiplier Architecture.", IACR Cryptology ePrint Archive, 2019. LINK.
[12] Kamil Doruk Gur, Yuriy Polyakov, Kurt Rohloff, Gerard W. Ryan, Hadi Sajjadpour, Erkay Savas, "Practical Applications of Improved Gaussian Sampling for Trapdoor Lattices.", IACR Cryptology ePrint Archive, 2017. LINK.
[11] David Bruce Cousins, Giovanni Di Crescenzo, Kamil Doruk Gur, Kevin King, Yuriy Polyakov, Kurt Rohloff, Gerard W. Ryan, Erkay Savas, "Implementing Conjunction Obfuscation under Entropic Ring LWE.", IACR Cryptology ePrint Archive, 2017. LINK.
[10] Wei Dai 0007, Yarkin Doroz, Yuriy Polyakov, Kurt Rohloff, Hadi Sajjadpour, Erkay Savas, Berk Sunar, "Implementation and Evaluation of a Lattice-Based Key-Policy ABE Scheme.", IACR Cryptology ePrint Archive, 2017. LINK.
[9] Cengiz Orencik, Erkay Savas, Mahmoud Alewiwi, "A Unified Framework for Secure Search Over Encrypted Cloud Data.", IACR Cryptology ePrint Archive, 2017. LINK.
[8] Kamil Doruk Gur, Yuriy Polyakov, Kurt Rohloff, Gerard W. Ryan, Erkay Savas, "Implementation and Evaluation of Improved Gaussian Sampling for Lattice Trapdoors.", IACR Cryptology ePrint Archive, 2017. LINK.
[7] Osman Bicer, Muhammed Ali Bingol, Mehmet Sabir Kiraz, Albert Levi, "Towards Practical PFE: An Efficient 2-Party Private Function Evaluation Protocol Based on Half Gates.", IACR Cryptology ePrint Archive, 2017. LINK.
[6] Ali Can Atici, Cemal Yilmaz, Erkay Savas, "Remote Cache-Timing Attack without Learning Phase.", IACR Cryptology ePrint Archive, 2016. LINK.
[5] Marco Chiappetta, Erkay Savas, Cemal Yilmaz, "Real time detection of cache-based side-channel attacks using Hardware Performance Counters.", IACR Cryptology ePrint Archive, 2015. LINK.
[4] Erdinc Ozturk, Yarkin Doroz, Berk Sunar, Erkay Savas, "Accelerating Somewhat Homomorphic Evaluation using FPGAs.", IACR Cryptology ePrint Archive, 2015. LINK.
[3] Gizem S. Cetin, Yarkin Doroz, Berk Sunar, Erkay Savas, "Low Depth Circuits for Efficient Homomorphic Sorting.", IACR Cryptology ePrint Archive, 2015. LINK.
[2] Cagatay Karabat, Mehmet Sabir Kiraz, Hakan Erdogan, Erkay Savas, "THRIVE: Threshold Homomorphic encryption based secure and privacy preserving bIometric VErification system.", CoRR, 2014. LINK.
[1] Selcuk Baktir, Erkay Savas, "Highly-Parallel Montgomery Multiplication for Multi-core General-Purpose Microprocessors.", IACR Cryptology ePrint Archive, 2012. LINK.

Ph.D Degree in Electronics Engineering - Sabancı University
Due to the achievements and contributions in the field, the Dr. Gürsel Sönmez Research Award committee has granted Ahmet Can with the award for this year 2021. We congratulate Ahmet Can for this achievement, and wish him all the success in his following challenges.
Ahmet Can Mert
Ahmet Can Mert’s Ph.D. thesis has addressed the design and implementation of hardware accelerators for lattice-based cryptography (LBC), which has become significant and popular in cryptography due to its applications to fully homomorphic encryption (FHE) and post-quantum cryptography (PQC). FHE is a scheme that enables secure computations on encrypted data without decrypting it. FHE has the potential to help secure storage and manipulation of data in an insecure cloud environment without revealing any information to the cloud provider. However, the practicality of FHE and PQC depends on efficient implementations of computational primitives of LBC. Although theoretically sound and considered (not proven) to be secure, FHE requires complex and time-consuming polynomial arithmetic, namely polynomial multiplication over polynomial rings. His thesis, and articles based on his thesis, have presented the design and implementations of hardware accelerators for FHE schemes. He proposed implementations for Number Theoretic Transform (NTT) based polynomial multiplication, some of the fastest implementations in the literature. He visited NCSU in 2019 during when he investigated theoretical and implementation aspects of the utilization of neural networks over homomorphically encrypted data. He proposed a novel architecture providing configurability for both scheme parameters and throughput/area, which received the Best Paper Award at the Design Track of Design, Automation, and Test in Europe (DATE) Conference in 2020. He has four published and one submitted journal papers during his Ph.D. He also published five conference proceedings. On a special note, his journal publication in 2019 has already been cited 20 times according to Google Scholar, which shows the popularity and significance of his work.