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SEMINAR:Two-field affine inflation: Non-adiabaticity and non-Gaussianity

Speaker:  Hemza Azri,

Title: Two-field affine inflation: Non-adiabaticity and non-Gaussianity

Date/Time:8 June 2022 / 13:40 - 14:30

Zoom link:

Abstract:We address the nonadiabatic perturbations and non-Gaussianity which result from two-field inflation in the context of affine gravity. In the first part, we focus on identifying the sources of entropy perturbations that may not be suppressed in the long-wavelength limit. Due to the absence of anisotropic stresses, the source induced by the nonminimal coupling disappears for a single scalar. This leads us to conclude that the notion of adiabaticity is not affected by the transition to minimal coupling, contrary to the metric gravity case where it is confused by changing the frames. In the second part, we introduce a covariant formulation in this new framework and discuss the two-field inflation driven by quartic potentials where we focus on field parameters that allow for spectral indices within the favored region of the Planck data. We briefly discuss the possible non-Gaussianity and we shed light on the two-field Higgs inflation in our setup.

Bio: Hemza Azri obtained his BSc (2007) and MSc (2010) in Physics from the University of Jijel, Algeria, and his Ph.D (2018) from Izmir Institute of Technology, Turkey. He worked as a postdoc at Koç University, Istanbul (2018-2019), and currently he is a postdoc at the United Arab Emirates (UAE) University. Recently, he joined the UAE ATLAS Cluster group. His main research interests lie in Gravity, Cosmology, and Particle Physics. He mainly works on alternative theories and various formulations of gravity, and their cosmological (and astrophysical) implications. These include inflation, dark matter, dark energy, and neutron stars.


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