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SEMINAR:AI and Fog Computing in Next Generation IoT Systems

GuestSuat Özdemir, Hacettepe University

Title: AI and Fog Computing in Next Generation IoT Systems

Date/Time24 April 2024, 13.40


Abstract: The rapid evolution of the Internet of Things (IoT) requires an evolution of computing architectures and technologies to handle increased data volumes, real-time processing requirements, and system complexity. This talk will explore how Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Fog Computing are converging to power the next generation of IoT systems, enhancing data processing capabilities at the edge while maintaining core analytics and control centrally. Integrating AI into fog computing nodes is critical to transforming traditional IoT devices into intelligent agents that can process and analyze data locally, make real-time decisions, and reduce dependence on cloud services. We will outline the basic principles of fog computing and its essential role in creating a scalable, responsive, and efficient IoT architecture. This architecture enables real-time data processing close to the source, minimizes latency, and optimizes bandwidth usage, which is critical for time-sensitive applications across multiple domains. We will explore several key applications of this integration in areas such as smart cities, industrial IoT, and autonomous vehicles. We will also present the results of our latest studies in our AIoT Lab.  

Bio: Suat Özdemir, is with the Department of Computer Engineering at Hacettepe University Ankara, Turkey and he is the Head of Artificial Intelligence Division. Before joining Hacettepe University, he worked at Gazi University between 2007 and 2020. He received his M.Sc. degree in Computer Science from Syracuse University (August 2001) and Ph.D. degree in Computer Science from Arizona State University (December 2006). His current research interests include Internet of Things, Data Analytics, Artificial Intelligence and Network Security.


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