Network Faculty Member
2019- Principle Investigator (Sabanci University)
2017-2019 Postdoctoral Fellow (Harvard Medical School)
2016 -2017 Postdoctoral Fellow (MedUni Graz)
2015 -2016 PhD Student Molecular Medicine (Molecular Medicine Program, MedUni Graz)
2013-present Medicine (Meduni Graz)
2012 -2015 Master’s degree in Biotechnology and Bioanalytics (Vienna University of Technology)
2012 -2012 Exam for nationally certified pharmaceutical representative (Ministry of Health, Austria).
2008 -2012 Bachelor’s degree in Biology and Molecular biology (Vienna University)
2007 -2008 University entrance exam (Vienna University)
Design and development of genetically encoded biosensors, High-resolution live-cell imaging, Nitric oxide biochemistry, Chemogenetic approaches, Cell physiology
AHA American Heart Association, SFRR-E Society for Free Radical Research Europe, Austrian Association of Molecular Life Sciences and Biotechnology