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Melih Türkseven Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences Faculty Member (216) 483 9542 melihturksevensabanciunivedu

Faculty Member

Areas of Interest

Non-linear System Control, Haptics, Tele-operation, Medical Robotics, Pneumatics, Soft Robotics

Publications Prior to SU

Journal Articles

1.Hegde, Sudeep, Mark A. Gromski, Tansel Halic, Melih Turkseven, Zhaohui Xia, Berk Çetinsaya, Mandeep S. Sawhney, Daniel B. Jones, Suvranu De, and Cullen D. Jackson. "Endoscopic submucosal dissection: a cognitive task analysis framework toward training design." Surgical Endoscopy 34, no. 2 (2020): 728-741.

2.Barrette, L., Turkseven, M., De, S., Majid,A., Parikh, M., and Chee, A., "Characterization of Applied Forcesand Torques during Rigid Bronchoscopy Intubation," Journal of Bronchology (2020) (accepted, in production).

3.Turkseven, M. and Ueda, J., "Model-Based Force Control of Pneumatic Actuators With Long TransmissionLines." IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics 23, no. 3 (2018): 1292-1302

4.Turkseven, Me., and Ueda., J., "An asymptotically stable pressure observer based on load and displacementsensing for pneumatic actuators with long transmission lines." IEEE-ASME Transactions on Mechatronics 22,no. 2 (2017): 681-692.

5.Turkseven, M., and Ueda, J., "Analysis of an MRI Compatible Force Sensor for Sensitivity and Precision,"Sensors Journal, IEEE , vol.13, no.2, pp.476,486, February 2013.

Conference Proceedings

1.Ueda, J., Turkseven, M., Kim, E., Lowery, Q., Bivens, C., Mayo, M., "Shock Absorbing Exoskeleton for VerticalMobility System: Concept and Feasibility Study," 2018 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on IntelligentRobots and Systems (IROS), 2018

2.Turkseven, M. and Ueda, J., "Observer Based Impedance Control of a Pneumatic System with Long Transmis-sion Lines," IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 28-30 Oct. 2016

.3.Turkseven, M. and Ueda, J., "Control of Pneumatic Actuators with Long Transmission Lines for Rehabilitationin MRI." International Symposium on Experimental Robotics. Springer, Tokyo, 2016.

4.Turkseven, M., Ueda, J., Kovalenko, I., Kim, Eui Sun., "Design and Dimensional Analysis of a Tele-OperatedMRI-Compatible Vane Actuator for Neuromuscular Fascilitation in Hemiparetic Limbs," Dynamic Systems andControl Conference (DSCC), 28-30 Oct. 2015.

5.Ueda, J., Lacey, L., Turkseven, M., Shinohara, M., Kovalenko, I., Kim, E. & Sulejmani, F., "RoboticNeuromuscular Facilitation for Regaining Neural Activation in Hemiparetic Limbs," Proceedings of ASME 2015International Design and Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in EngineeringConference IDETC/CIE 2015, August 2-5, 2015, Boston, Massachusetts, USA

6.Ueda, J., Lacey, L., Turkseven, M., Shinohara, M., Maliki, A., & Kovalenko, I., "Robotic RehabilitationExercise in Hemiparetic Limbs Based On Functional Synchronization of Voluntary and Involuntary NerveImpulses," In Advanced Robotics and its Social Impacts (ARSO), 2014 IEEE Workshop on (pp. 114-120).

7.Lacey L, Buharin V, Turkseven M, Shinohara M, Ueda J., "Control of Voluntary and Involuntary Nerve Impulsesfor Hemiparesis Rehabilitation and MRI study," 6th Annual Dynamic Systems and Control Conference (DSCC),2013

8. Turkseven, Melih, and Jun Ueda. "Design of an MRI compatible haptic interface." In Intelligent Robots andSystems (IROS), 2011 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on, pp. 2139-2144. IEEE, 2011

Patents and Other Publications

1.J. Ueda, D. B. Comber, J. Slightam, M. Turkseven, V. Gervasi, R. J. Webster III, and E. J. Barth, "MRI-Compatible Fluid-Powered Medical Devices," Dynamic Systems and Control Magazine, 1(2), 13-16, 2013

2. Invention disclosure on MRI-Compatible Force Sensor, GTRC ID: 5652, Filed on April 26, 2012


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