In order to organize and monitor our equipments in MAT laboratories Hakan Tatlı and MAT Laboratory Specialists started to work last semester on a new Equipment Management System ( under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Selmiye Alkan Gürsel.
Our aim was to control device reservations, previously made through Google Calendar, by using mySU account for access from the campus or via VPN connection from outside of the campus, and to get detailed information from the devices.
With this new Equipment Management System, reservation limits for each device have been set and fair usage of devices has been ensured.
On June 17, 2021 the system implementation began with the three devices listed below and detailed login procedure was shared with all users:
On September 29, 2021, 2 devices were added to our new Equipment Management System:
- TGA (STA) Netzsch /STA 449C
- TGA (STA) Schimadzu / DTG-60H
- FTIR Thermo Scientific / iS10
- DLS Malvern/Zetasizer Nano-ZS
- DSC TA Instruments/Q2000
We are now able to follow information flow through the system's logs, users, feedback, calendar, settings, and reservation limits menus. Our new system includes the Google Calendar feature, which allows users to view all device reservations at the same time.
We can also track and record some statistical data about the users and devices through this system developed tailor-made for Sabancı University.
Our Equipment Management system has been improved since June 17, 2021, in response to feedbacks from our advisors and students who actively use our devices.