FENS Newsletter - Issue 7

Dear Students, Friends, and Colleagues,
We are pleased to share the latest edition of the FENS Newsletter, providing an overview of our accomplishments, research highlights, awards, projects, and significant activities since our last issue in July 2023.
Throughout the Fall term of 2023-2024, FENS organized a variety of events and activities showcased in the Seminars & Events section. These include the "Dean’s Speaker Series", Graduate Seminars, and “Sharing Experiences: Faculty Learning from Each Other”. Your active contribution to and participation in these events significantly enhances their impact, and we encourage continued engagement.
The Projects section highlights our extensive involvement in project development, featuring both accepted national and international projects and noteworthy EU projects that are above the threshold.
Within the Research Highlights section, you will find details on the noteworthy research achievements of our members. Our special congratulations go to Nur Mustafaoğlu, who has recently been awarded ERC starting grant, which is the first one at our faculty. We encourage you to check the Awards & Recognition and Other Achievements sections to learn about awards and recognitions earned by FENS members. Congratulations to all recipients, and we wish continued success in their academic pursuits. Additionally, the Hot Topics section offers thought-provoking reading pieces by FENS faculty members. Lastly, the News section provides updates on various activities and events within FENS.
Our sincere gratitude is due to our Vice Dean for Research and her team members, as well as the Outreach Committee, for compiling this newsletter. Special thanks to all our faculty members, who promptly contributed data. Please note that the content of this issue covers the time span from July 1 and November 30, 2023. If we inadvertently missed any of your projects, activities, or achievements in this issue, kindly inform us so that we can include them in the next edition.
We invite you to join us in celebrating these achievements, made possible through hard work, collective effort, dedication, and perseverance.
Best regards,
Erkay Savaş.
Project Type | Project Title | Project Team |
AB | HY SOUTHMARMARA - South Marmara Hydrogen Shore | Selmiye Alkan Gürsel - PI Bülent Çatay - Researcher Alp Yürüm - Researcher |
AB H2020 (MSCA-PF) | Intelligent New Radio Access Network: Deployment and Management-IRAM | Mohaned Chraiti - PI |
AB Horizon Europe (MSCA-PF) | An enhanced drug delivery system for brain cancer treatment which will be tested by human cell-based 3D in vitro microfluidic system - Enhanced-DDS | Sahar Porrang - PI Nur Mustafaoğlu - Advisor |
ERA-NET NEURON JTC | Serebral Iskemide Mikrobiyota Kaynaklı Faktörlerle Beyin Bariyeri Fonksiyonunun Modülasyonu | Nur Mustafaoğlu - PI |
M-Era.Net | Yakıt Pilleri İçin Yepyeni Asimetrik Anyon Değişim Membranları | Selmiye Alkan Gürsel - PI Alp Yürüm - Researcher |
CHIST-ERA | İçerik ve Ağ Bilgilerinin Çevrimiçi Manipülasyonu Tespit Etmede, Anlamada ve Önüne Geçmede Kullanılması | Onur Varol- PI |
The Royal Society | Mathematical and Algorithmic Methods for Cryptographic Functions And Sequences | Ferruh Özbudak- PI |
NIH R01 | Mapping Epistatic Interactions in Molecular Evolution of Antibiotic Resistance | Canan Atilgan (PI); Ali Rana Atilgan (USA PI: Erdal Toprak, UT Southwestern) |
Project Type | Project Title | Project Team |
TÜBİTAK 1001 | Pozitif ve Negatif Kalorik Etki Ile Ferroelektrik Ince Filmlerde Durum Algılama | Ali Rana Atılgan- Advisor İbrahim Burç Mısırlıoğlu- PI İbrahim Kürşat Şendur- Advisor |
TÜBİTAK 2232 | Investigation of structure-property relationships in the amyloid-like supramolecular peptide nanofibrils | Ayşenur İşcen Akatay- PI |
TÜBİTAK 1002 | Mikro Frezeleme Için Aktif Manyetik Yataklı Ultra Yüksek Hızlı Iş Mili Tasarımı Ve Optimizasyonu | Bekir Bediz- PI |
TÜBİTAK 1505 | Ahşap Bazlı Panellerin Formaldehit Emisyonunun Azaltılması ve Su Dayanımının Arttırılması Amacıyla Panellerde Yapıştırıcı Olarak Kullanılan Üre-Formaldehit ve Melamin-Üre-Formaldehit Reçinelerin Hidrofobik Gruplar Taşıyan Üre ve Melamin Kimyasalları İle Modifikasyonu | Bekir Dizman- PI |
TUBITAK 2218 | Grafen İçeren ZnO Nanoçubuk Fotokatalizör Hibrit Yapısının Polimer Sünger Altlıkla Desteklendiği Yenilikçi ve Esnek İç Ortam Hava Filtrelerinin Geliştirilmesi | Bekir Dizman, Advisor Memnune Kardeş- PI (Postdoc) |
NIH R01 | Mapping Epistatic Interactions in Molecular Evolution of Antibiotic Resistance | Canan Atilgan (PI); Ali Rana Atilgan (USA PI: Erdal Toprak, UT Southwestern) |
TÜBİTAK 2218 | İndüklenmiş Pluripotent Kök Hücrelerinin Beyin Endotel Hücrelerine Devşirilmesinde Biyomekanik Kuvvetlerin Etkilerinin Kütle Spektrometrisi Temelli Proteomik Yöntemlerle Araştırılması | İrem Kırış- PI Nur Mustafaoğlu- Advisor |
TÜBİTAK 1001 | Kuantum Sonrası Kriptografi Komut Seti Uzantılı Güvenli RISC-V İşlemci Mimarisi | Melik Yazıcı- PI Erkay Savaş- Researcher Yaşar Gürbüz- Advisor |
TÜBİTAK 1001 | Cost-Efficient 6G Radio Access Network for Internet-of-Everything | Mohaned Chraiti- PI |
TÜBİTAK 2508 | Kaynama Isı Transferi ve Kritik Isı Akışını Artırmak İçin Akustik Alan ve Karışık Islanabilirli Yüzey Metotlarının Kombinasyonu | Morteza Ghorbani- PI Ali Koşar- Researcher |
TÜBİTAK 1001 | Elektromanyetik transdüksiyona dayalı ivme ölçümünün arastırılması ve manyetik indüksiyon ile çalısan silikon-mikroislenmis MEMS ivmeölçer yongalarının gelistirilmesi | Murat Kaya Yapıcı- PI |
TÜBİTAK 3501 | Küresel Diplomatik Etkileşimlerin Bürokratlar, Zaman Ve Mekan Üzerinden Ağ Analizi | Nihat Muğurtay- PI Onur Varol- Advisor |
TUBITAK 2218 | Bifenilen Ağ Örgü’lerinin Elektronik, Termal ve Termoelektrik Taşınım Özellikleri | Ongun Özçelik - Advisor Gözde Özbal Sargın - PI (Postdoc) |
TUBITAK 1001 | P3HT tabanlı organik / inorganik hibrit enerji malzemelerinin nano kapasitör ve fotovoltaik uygulamalar için modellenmesi | Ongun Özçelik - PI |
TÜBİTAK 2531: TÜBİTAK-DAAD İkili İşbirliği | Terahertz Bandı Dron Haberleşmesinde Geliştirmeler | Özgür Gürbüz, PI |
TÜBİTAK 1001 | Karanlık Fosfoproteom Için Sıfır/Az Karısık Ögrenmeye Dayalı Tahmin Araçlarının Gelistirilmesi | Öznur Taştan- PI |
TÜBİTAK 1001 | Düşük Kütleli X-ısını Çiftlerinde Nötron Yıldızları | Ünal Ertan- PI |
TÜBİTAK 1004 | İnsan Fonksiyonu Tehdit Eden Zorluklar İçin Nöroteknolojik Çözümler Platformu | Volkan Patoğlu- PI Esra Erdem- Researcher |
TÜBİTAK 1505 | Otomotiv İç Mekanında Kullanılacak Geri Dönüştürülmüş ve Biyo-Bazlı Odun-Plastik Kompozitlerdeki İstenmeyen Koku ve Emisyonlarının Azaltılması | Yusuf Ziya Menceloğlu- PI |
Project Type | Project Title | Project Team |
HORIZON EUROPE | Quantum Metrology in q-deformed Hilbert Space with Weak Measurement (QUALIFIER) | Mehmet Zafer Gedik- Advisor |
EIC Pathfinder | SONICA | Bekir Dızman- PI Serkan Ünal- Researcher |

Nur Mustafaoğlu is awarded the European Research Council's (ERC) Starting Grant with her project META-BRAIN.
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Gözde Ince's research on modification of surfaces in contribution to Prof. Nenad Miljkovic's research on F-DLC materials was published in Nature Communications.
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Nanofluid Boiling by Ali Kosar, Abdolali Sadaghiani
Edition: 1st Edition Publication Date: June 1, 2024 Authors: Ali Kosar, Abdolali Sadaghiani, Arzu Ozbey, Mehrdad Karinzadehkhouei
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The work of our faculty member Meltem Elitaş was chosen as the cover of Analyst/RSC Magazine
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The project of our FENS Dean Erkay Savaş and Faculty Member Kamer Kaya received support from European Commission within the scope of the HORIZON-HLTH-2022-IND-13-02 call.
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Ogun Adebali's project was published on the cover of JBC
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Selmiye Alkan Gürsel and her team contributed to "IICEC Türkiye Yeşil Hidrojen Geleceği 2023" book on hydrogen technologies
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SU and SUNUM Patents Among the 100 Turkish Patents on the 100th Anniversary of the Republic
read more2023 Outstanding Achievement Award from the Council of Higher Education to Sabancı University
Read moreÖzge Akbulut was granted 2nd place in the Regional Innovation Scheme EIT Manufacturing Award for her work on designing energy-efficient, no material leak ceramic processing methods.
Read more3MT Competition and Dr. Gürsel Sönmez Research Award winners have been announced
Read moreOur Faculty Member Meltem Elitaş receives the Alexander Von Humboldt Research Award
Read moreOur faculty member Canan Atılgan has been selected to join Academia Europaea as an invited memberd member of Academia Europaea
Read moreCanan Atılgan Became a Member of Europe's Most Prestigious Organization in Molecular Biology
Read moreOur Researchers' Horizon Europe MSCA Staff Exchanges Project Micro-FloTec was Promoted in the Micro and Nano Flows 2023 Conference
Read moreEmrah Kalemci has been elected as a new member of the Science Academy.
Read moreThe work of Murat Kaya Yapıcı and his team was awarded the IEEE Sensors Letters Magazine 2023 best article "Runner Up" award
Read moreOur ME-EE double major undergraduate alumni Onur Parlayan's work was published in the International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technologies with title " A new sensitivity-based mapping scheme for topology optimization of graded TPMS designs".
This work was a result of a collaborative study with General Electric and advised by Gullu Kiziltas.
Read moreOur Materials Science and Nanoengineering Ph.D. graduate Begüm Yarar Kaplan received “L’Oreal-UNESCO for Women in Science” 2023 award in the field of ‘Physical Sciences’.
Read moreWinners of EFSUN Best Article Competition Announced
Read moreBest poster award to PhD Researcher Nurdan Kuru at the SMBE conference
Read moreSecond best poster award to PhD Researcher Nurdan Kuru at TÜSEB Artificial Intelligence in Health conference
Read moreBeyzanur Ozogul, Unal Akar, Rabia Mercimek and Ercil Toyran received Best poster runner up Award in 5th Novel Fluidic Technologies, Izmir, May 2023
Best poster award to Nilüfer Çakır, PhD candidate at Molecular Biology, Genetics, and Bioengineering Program, at the 8th European Congress on Advanced Nanotechnology and Nanomaterials Conference held in October 12-13, 2023 at London, UK
Poster award to Eda Kuş (graduated master's student) and Gülşah Sevimli (Ph.D. Candidate) from Molecular Biology, Genetics, and Bioengineering Program
Poster award to Eda Kuş (graduated master's student) and Gülşah Sevimli (Ph.D. Candidate) from Molecular Biology, Genetics, and Bioengineering Program at the 5th Eurasian Biochemistry Approaches and Technologies Congress in October 2-5, 2023 at Antalya, Turkiye
Our student Aylin Baca accepted to PhD programs at 7 universities in the USA
Doctoral student Gülin Baran receives a scholarship from Bordeaux School of Neuroscience
Sabancı University signed the Digital Innovation Cooperation Platform Protocol
Triadic patent for the invention developed by our researchers
Hot Topics
Teknolojiye Dayalı Yaklaşımlarla Afetin Etkilerinin Hafifletilmesi Mümkün by Erchan Aptoula, Berrin Yanıkoğlu and İbrahim Tekin
Can Two-dimensional Materials Keep Moore’s Law Alive? by Ongun Özçelik
Hydrogen Valleys as a Gateway for Clean Energy by Selmiye Alkan Gürsel
Dean's Reading List
#Secim2023: Monitoring and Tracking Online Activities of Turkish Presidential Elections
We must act now to save sustainability
The Promise and Peril of Generative AI
How Career Paths Are a Family Affair
The Prospects of High Temperature Superconductors
Morality is Declining, Right? Scientists Say That Idea is an Illusion
Examining Science Education in ChatGPT: An Exploratory Study of Generative Artificial Intelligence

Sabancı University's career event IMIS'23 received a great deal of attention this year as well!
IMIS (International Management and Industrial Engineering Summit), organized annually by the Industrial
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Countdown for Automotive Industry, IAEC Conference 2022!
Prof. Dr. Gündüz Ulusoy (Sabancı University, Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences) will be the Conference Chair of IAEC!
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Adnan Kefal
was promoted as Associate Professor on 01 April 2023.

Cemal Yılmaz
was promoted as Full Professor on 01 May 2023.