“TACTILENet: Towards Agile, effiCient, auTonomous and massIvely LargE Network of things”
We are witnessing an unprecedented worldwide growth of mobile data traffic that is expected to continue at an annual rate of 45% over the next years, reaching 30.5 exabytes per month by 2020. To handle this “data tsunami”, the emerging 5th generation (5G) systems need to improve the network performance in terms of energy consumption, throughput and user-experienced delay, and at the same time make a better use of the network resources such as wireless bandwidth and backhaul link capacity. The landscape toward 5G wireless communication is currently unclear, and, despite the efforts of academia and industry in evolving traditional cellular networks, the enabling technology for 5G is still obscure. The vision for the 5th generation of mobile networks (5G) includes at its heart the Internet of Things (IoT) paradigm, leading to a new era of connectivity where billions of devices exchange data and instill intelligence in our everyday life. The EU has set out to play a leading role in developing 5G technologies by consolidating and building upon the most important research and innovation results attained in previous research programs. The objective of the TACTILENet project is to bring together the complementary expertise of European and third-country partners in order to lay the foundations for addressing basic issues in several facets of 5G networking. The cross-fertilization among partners will contribute to the ongoing research efforts by jointly identifying ambitious yet feasible goals for 5G system, addressing some of the fundamental research problems in achieving these goals, and finally, by designing and analyzing a suite of protocols. This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 690893.
TACTILENet represents an opportunity for the European research and industry to take the lead in Information and Communication Technologies, capitalizing on the area in which Europe always had the potential to succeed, namely wireless networking. Europe possesses significant potential in individuals and research groups that can bring real breakthroughs in the way wireless networks are perceived, operated and controlled. We believe that through collaboration with third-country partners that are experts in the field, TACTILENet can provide technological advances to the European industry. Research within TACTILENet can also create new business opportunities for SMEs since the novel techniques that will be developed will provide significant opportunities. One major example toward this direction is the exploitation in the practice of the benefits of the integration of RF energy harvesting with collaborative sensor fusion, which still remains unexplored. TACTILENet will provide strong incentives for collaborative research in Europe. The participating partners possess complementary expertise in different aspects of networking and this project will increase their competitiveness in Europe and in the world.
“TACTILENet: Towards Agile, effiCient, auTonomous and massIvely LargE Network of things”
We aim to address the following challenges in the scope of this project:
• One of the most crucial challenges is the physical scarcity of radio frequency (RF) spectra allocated for cellular communications.
• Another challenge is that the deployment of advanced wireless technologies comes at the cost of high energy consumption.
• Third, users nowadays expect higher quality in several facets of the service they receive, e.g., usability, availability, connection loss, and integrity of the service.
• Finally, the massive number of IoT devices will challenge the networks to manage an unprecedented number of connections, where each connected machine or sensor transmits small data blocks sporadically.
TACTILENet has a pragmatic approach to the design of future communication networks. Instead of aiming to design the highest capacity, highest reliability communication network, we intend to design the network architecture that can best adapt to the QoE requirements and design constraints for a specific scenario. This might mean a different operation mode depending on the rate, reliability and latency requirements of the underlying applications, as well as the available spectral and spatial resources, or the reliability of the underlying energy sources. The ultimate goal will be to enable the coexistence of all these multiple modes of operation in a seamless manner.
TACTILENet will address these challenges focusing on the following research pillars:
• Network densification and cloud-RAN: Network densification is a combination of spatial densification and spectral aggregation. Spatial densification is realized by increasing the number of antennas per node (user device and base station), and increasing the density of base stations deployed in the given geographic area, while ensuring nearly uniform distribution of users among all base stations. Spatial aggregation refers to using larger amounts of electromagnetic spectrum, spanning all the way from 500 MHz into the millimeter wave (mmWave) bands (30–300 GHz).

While network densification is seen as a key technology enabler for 5G networks, it brings along its own challenges, such as increasing demand for coordination among cells, and high-capacity backhaul links. Cloud-RAN (C-RAN) architecture can resolve these problems by allowing centralized baseband processing; which also reduces the infrastructure cost and energy consumption by removing and/ or suppressing the baseband units at some of the access points (a.k.a. remote radio heads). The centralization of information processing enabled by C-RANs allows effective interference management within the area covered by the remote radio heads. This in turn promises to be a key component of the solution to the so-called “spectrum crunch” problem, which is currently caused by the wireless interference due to the ever-increasing number of mobile users. The main tenet of C-RANs is the separation of radio transmission/reception, which is carried out at the radio units, and information processing, which is carried out at the central units within the “cloud”. Within this basic paradigm, there are unexplored degrees of freedom on the demarcation between the two functionalities. In particular, as said, the processing of the informative (data) portion of the wireless transmissions, in the form of encoding and decoding, falls in the domain of the operation at the cloud. However, the processing of the overhead associated with the wireless transmissions for the purposes of synchronization and channel state acquisition may be profitably decentralized at the radio units, or shared between radio units and control units in the cloud. While the state of the art assumes both data and overhead processing to be in the domain of the cloud nodes, a full investigation of the potential of the C-RAN technology must leverage the added flexibility in the allocation of these two functionalities within the C-RAN architecture. The main roadblock to the realization of the mentioned promises of C-RANs hinges on the effective integration of the wireless interface provided by the remote radio heads with the backhaul network that links the radio units and information processing nodes within the cloud. However, this requires high-capacity backhaul links and introduces extra latency, which requires rethinking of the ways in which wireless access protocols are designed. In most urban environments, it is either expensive or impossible to install a fiber backhaul link to each access point; and therefore, mmWave backhaul connections are seen as the only viable option. On the other hand, sustaining a high-quality C-RAN architecture over wireless backhaul links requires advanced coding and communication techniques in order to fully exploit the available limited backhaul resources.
• Energy harvesting and green communications. Energy efficiency has always been at the center of wireless system design; however, 5G networks will exacerbate the concerns about energy at various levels. First, with network densification and the increasing number of devices and access points, the overall energy consumption of wireless systems is becoming ever higher, thereby increasing the environmental footprint. Second, the increasing demand for high data rate applications and services has multiplied the energy consumption of mobile devices. Today, most smartphones and tablet devices can be called “wireless” in a limited sense, as they have to be wired to the power socket most of the time. Hence, there is an increasing pressure for energy efficient communications and networking techniques at both the device and the network level.

IoT introduces yet another challenge for energy efficiency. Most IoT devices are limited in cost and size, which puts significant constraints on the battery size and capacity. While charging the battery of a smartphone every day is feasible, replacing or recharging batteries of tens or hundreds of IoT devices every single day is out of question. Therefore, a promising solution to power future IoT devices is to harvest available ambient energy [Gunduz14]. The ultimate promise of energy harvesting (EH) is a self-sustainable, maintenance-free network of perpetually communicating devices. With this promise comes a fundamental shift in design principles compared to traditional battery-operated systems: whereas minimizing energy consumption is crucial to prolong network lifetime in the latter, in EH networks the objective is the intelligent management of the harvested energy to ensure long-term, uninterrupted operation. In TACTILENet we will combine advanced optimization and learning algorithms to dynamically adapt the communication protocols to the state of the energy harvesting processes and the battery state of the devices.
• Provision of end-to-end QoE. The success of many mobile services derives particularly from a user-centered approach, aimed at designing the whole process of content production, service activation, content consumption, service management and updating. From these considerations it follows that the management of Quality of Experience (QoE) is undoubtedly a crucial dimension for the deployment of successful future services. While QoE is straightforward to understand, it is extremely complex to implement in real systems, since many interdependent variables affect the QoE, spanning multidisciplinary areas including multimedia signal processing, communications, computer networking, economics, psychology and sociology. Similarly, IoT communications is typically a component of a distributed control system, where sensors and actuators communicate for coordination and control purposes. This imposes further constraints on latency and reliability, but more importantly, communication rate is not the appropriate performance metric any more; and the system has to be designed to minimize an end-to-end performance metric (that is, a QoE for machine-type applications), such as the end-to-end quality of the estimated sensor measurements, or the success of the underlying control goal. Under such end-to-end performance metrics, which involve a number of system parameters, the highly structured and layered network architectures we have today are extremely suboptimal, and completely novel communication and networking algorithms are needed.
• Cross-layer techniques for massively many low bandwidth machine-type communications (MTC). There will be many scenarios in 5G networks where the data size of each individual transmission is small, going down to several bytes. Under such extremely low data payloads, the cost of sending metadata (control information) in the packets becomes very significant. This calls for the revision of the basic principles that are used to packetize the data and accounting for the resources used for overhead (channel estimation and metadata). Furthermore, some of the emerging MTC applications, such as industrial automation, require highly reliable transmission with very stringent latency constraints. This requires the information-theoretic machinery for transmission of short packets as a benchmark to see what kind of reliability/latency guarantees is possible to provide. Methodologically, there is a need for optimized design that uses much tighter coupling between the data and control planes.
1. (Mar. 2016) Prof. Koksal (ER) from Ohio State University gave a talk on Massive MIMO Security at Imperial College London on 16.03.2016 attended by 25 people including ESRs and ERs http://talks.ee.ic.ac.uk/talk/index/833
The talk incorporated in part ongoing research by Prof Koksal and Prof Gunduz. The ongoing work investigates the risks and benefits of using massive MIMO technology in ultra-dense communications networks. Prof Koksal gave his views on the subject based on several ongoing research activities in his group. Brief summary of his talk is given as follows:
Massive MIMO is one of the highlights of the envisioned 5G communication systems. In the massive MIMO paradigm, the base station is equipped with a number of antennas, typically much larger than the number of users served. While many issues behind the design of multicellular massive MIMO systems have been studied extensively, security of massive MIMO has not been addressed in most part. In this talk, we provide a brief introduction to physical layer security and massive MIMO before we discuss major vulnerabilities of massive MIMO as well as potential defense strategies.
2. (Apr. 2016) Prof. Ercetin (ER) from Sabanci University made a presentation titled “Energy Harvesting Wireless Networks with Correlated Energy Sources,” (a joint work with Prof. Gunduz (Fellow ID: 8, ER) from Imperial College London) on 04.04.2016 attended by 30 people of ESRs and ERs at IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC) 3-6.04.2016 in Doha, Qatar. This work received the Best Paper Award (MAC Track) at the conference. (The TACTILENet project is acknowledged)
3. (15-18.05.2016) Prof. Popovski (Fellow ID: 13, ER) arranged a session on "Low-Latency and Short-Packet Communication" at IEEE Communication Theory Workshop 15-18.05.2016 in Napflio, Greece attended by approximately 20 people of ESRs and ERs.
The session featured talks from the leading scientists in the field of 5G communications networks and helped promote the future activities envisioned in Tactilenet project. The research activities presented in each of the talks are not supported by Tactilenet but by other independent projects. The list of talks in the session are: Giuseppe Durisi (Chalmers University, Sweden), "Latency-Reliability Tradeoff in Short-Packet Communications," Joaquim Sachs (Ericsson, Sweden), "5G Ultra-Reliable and Low Latency Communications for Critical Machine-Type Communication," Andreas Mueller (Bosch, Germany), "Missing Pieces for High Performance Wireless Communication for Industrial Applications," Navid Nikaein (EURECOM, France), "Optimizing Radio Access and Core Networks for Small Packet Transmission." The website for the workshop and the session is http://ctw2016.ieee-ctw.org/program.html
4. (Jun. 2016) Prof. Simeone (ER) from New Jersey Institute of Technology presented a work related to the project on fog networking at Aalborg University on 08.06.2016 attended by 20 people including ESRs and ERs.
This talk discusses a cloud and cache-aided wireless network architecture in which edge-nodes (ENs), such as base stations, are connected to a cloud processor via dedicated fronthaul links, while also being endowed with caches. Cloud processing enables the centralized implementation of cooperative transmission strategies at the ENs, albeit at the cost of an increased latency due to fronthaul transfer. In contrast, the proactive caching of popular content at the ENs allows for the low-latency delivery of the cached files, but with generally limited opportunities for cooperative transmission among the ENs. The interplay between cloud processing and edge caching is addressed from an information-theoretic viewpoint by investigating the fundamental limits of a high Signal-to-Noise-Ratio (SNR) metric, termed normalized delivery time (NDT), which captures the worst-case latency for delivering any requested content to the users.
5. (Jun. 2016) Prof. Gunduz (ER) form Imperial College London gave an invited talk at the 5G Core Network Summit in Ankara, Turkey on 15.06.2016 attended by over 100 people from the government, academia, and industry. The website for the information for the summit is https://www.btk.gov.tr/en-US/National-Activity/5G-CORE-NETWORK-SUMMIT-WAS-HELD
This event was organized by the leading Turkish industry players in wireless communications, HAVELSAN, NETAS and ASELSAN, with the goal of identifying 5G research directions and collaboration opportunities with international partners. Prof. Gunduz presented the 5G-related research activities in his lab, including the collaborative ongoing work carried out within TactileNet. His presentation was an overview of the research activities envisaged by Tactilenet along with his vision of 5G technologies. Henceforth, he promoted the activities of Tactilenet to industry and general public.
6. (Jun. 2016) Prof. ElBatt (ER) from Nile University has given a presentation to the EC Research Office and Delegation in Cairo, Egypt on 16.06.2016, attended by approximately 50 people as part of a dinner and event, recognizing TactileNET as one of 22 Horizon 2020 projects that have been awarded to teams with partners from Egypt.
7. (Nov. 2016) Mr. Mohammadi-Amiri (Fellow no: 7, ESR) gave a presentation titled “Decentralized coded caching with distinct cache capacities” in 2016 50th Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers. It was attended by approximately 20 people. (http://www.asilomarsscconf.org/webpage/asil16/Asilomar%202016%20BoA%20v001.pdf)
8. (Dec. 2016) Prof. Ercetin (Fellow ID: 2, ER) from Sabanci University made a presentation titled “RF Energy Harvesting in Wireless Networks with HARQ,” (a joint work with M. Zohdy (Fellow ID: 1, ESR), Prof. Elbatt and Prof. Nafie from (Fellow ID: 26, ER) Nile University) on 08.12.2016 at IEEE Workshop on Wireless Energy Harvesting Communications Networks co-located with IEEE Global Communications Conference (Globecom) 04-08.12.2016 in Washington, DC, USA. (The TACTILENet project is acknowledged)
9. (16.12.2016) (M11) Prof. Gunduz (Fellow ID: 8, ER) gave an invited keynote speech on wireless content distribution at the 3rd AUST symposium on Innovations in Computer & Communications Engineering (SICCE 2016), Lebanon, Beirut, Dec. 2016. It was attended by approximately 100 people.(The TACTILENet project is acknowledged) (https://www.facebook.com/events/1829457597272701/)
10. (20-23.11. 2016) (M10) Prof. Gunduz (Fellow ID: 8, ER) gave an invited talk on "Energy and Information Networks” at the Royal Academy of Engineering Frontiers of Engineering for Development Symposium, Cambridge, UK, Nov.2016. It was attended by approximately 50 people. (https://www.raeng.org.uk/policy/international-policy-and-development/gcr...(1)/symposium-1)
11. (5.04.2017) Prof. Gunduz (Fellow ID: 8, ER) gave an invited talk on content distribution in 5G networks at EURECOM, Sophia Antipolis, France, Apr. 2017. It was attended by approximately 40 people. The TACTILENet project is acknowledged
Link: http://tactilenet.sabanciuniv.edu/sites/tactilenet.sabanciuniv.edu/files/presentation_eurecom17_v1.pdf
12. (Jan. 2017) Prof. Gunduz (ER) form Imperial College London gave talk on “Proactive Wireless Content Caching'', CommNet2 Workshop on Communications and Signal Processing for 5G++, Durham, UK, Jan. 2018.
13. (Apr. 2017) Prof. Gunduz (ER) form Imperial College London gave talk on “Contents on the Move: Content Caching and Delivery at the Wireless Network Edge,'' EURECOM, Sophia Antipolis, France, Apr. 2017.
14. (25-30.06.2017) Prof. Nafie (Fellow no: 19, ER) gave a talk “Decentralized coded caching in wireless networks: Trade-off between storage and latency” in IEEE ISIT 2017 to an audience of approximately 20 people. (https://isit2017.org/technical-program.html)
15. (28.09.2017) Mr. M. HeydarAbad (Fellow 19, ESR) gave a talk on “Communication over a time correlated channel with an energy harvesting transmitter” in IEEE ISWCS 2017 in Bologna, IT to an audience of 10 people. (https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/mostRecentIssue.jsp?punumber=8095275)
16. (25.09.2017) Prof. Ercetin (Fellow no: 2, ER) gave a talk “Cache-Aided Heterogeneous Networks: Coverage and Delay Analysis” in IEEE VTC Fall 2017 to an audience of 15 people. (http://www.ieeevtc.org/vtc2017fall/)
17. (29.05-1.06 2017) (M17) Prof. Popovski (Fellow ID: 13, ER) was part of the team that arranged and taught at the 2017 Joint IEEE SPS and EURASIP Summer School on Signal Processing for 5G Wireless Access at Gothenburg, Sweden in May-June 2017. His lecture at the school was related to massive Machine-Type Communication and contains course material relevant for TactileNet. The school was attended by approximately 100 people. (http://5g.ellintech.se)
18. (11-14.06.2017) (M17) Prof. Popovski (Fellow ID: 13, ER) participated at the IEEE Communication Theory Workshop 11-14.06.2017 in Fiji where he gave a talk “Design Tradeoffs for Communication with Short Packets in Internet-of-Things Applications” and arranged a panel session on IoT communication that featured high-profiled participants from academia and industry. The workshop was attended by 60 people. (http://www.ieee-ctw.org/)
19. (20.06.2017) (M17) Prof. Gunduz (Fellow ID: 8, ER) organised a workshop on “Content Caching and Distributed Storage for Future Communication Networks” in London, UK, Jun. 2017. It was attended by approximately 100 people. (https://www.commnet.ac.uk/event/joint-icore-commnet2-workshop-content-ca...)
20. (14.07.2017) (M18) Prof. Gunduz (Fellow ID: 8, ER) taught a practical workshop on Internet of Things to high school students at Imperial College London in Jul. 2017. It was attended by approximately 7 people.
21. (2-7.07.2017) Prof. Gunduz (Fellow ID: 8, ER) participated in the Dagstuhl seminar on Foundations of Wireless Networking in Jul 2017. It was attended by approximately 30 people. (https://www.dagstuhl.de/en/program/calendar/semhp/?semnr=17271)
22. (26.05.2017) Dr. Gunduz (Fellow no: 8, ER) ``Contents on the Move: Content Caching and Delivery at the Wireless Network Edge,'’ University of Bologna, Italy, (M16). (It was attended by ~15)
23. (2.11.2017) Dr. Gunduz (Fellow no: 8, ER) ``Contents on the Move: Content Caching and Delivery at the Wireless Network Edge,'', KAUST, Saudi Arabia (M22). https://cemse.kaust.edu.sa/events/Pages/EE-Seminar-Deniz-Gunduz.aspx (It was attended by ~40).
24. (4.11.2017) Mr. Mohammadi-Amiri (Fellow no: 7, ESR) from Imperial College London gave a presentation titled “Fundamental Limits of Coded Caching” at Stanford University (M22). It was attended by approximately 20 people.
25. (21.11. 2017) Mr. Mohammadi-Amiri (Fellow no: 7, ESR) from Imperial College London gave a presentation titled “Fundamental Limits of Coded Caching” at Ohio State University (M22). It was attended by approximately 30 people.
26. (22.11.2017) Prof. Ercetin (Fellow no: 2, ER) “Intelligent Channel Sensing and Scheduling in Future Wireless Networks,” Universite de Montreal et Quebec, Montreal, Canada, (M22). http://www.latece.uqam.ca/en/ai1ec_event/seminaire-ozgur-ercetin-intelli... (It was attended by ~50)
27. (11.12.2017) Prof. Ercetin (Fellow no: 2, ER) “Powering the Internet of Things,” Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada, (M23). https://carleton.ca/sce/2017/seminar-dec-11-powering-the-internet-of-thi... (It was attended by ~15)
28. (11.01.2018) Dr. Gunduz (Fellow no: 8, ER) ``Proactive Wireless Content Caching'', CommNet2 Workshop on Communications and Signal Processing for 5G++, Durham, UK, (M24). https://commnet.ac.uk/csp-for-5g/ (It was attended by ~80)
29. (03.01.2018) A. Farajzadeh (Fellow no: 22, ESR) gave a seminar on “Carrier Sensing Threshold Optimization in CSMA Based Energy Harvesting Wireless Relay Nodes,” during Carleton Wireless Series to an audience of 20 people (M24) in Ottawa, CA.
30. (16.05.2018) A. Farajzadeh (Fellow no: 22, ESR) gave a seminar on “Optimal Altitude for UAV Data Collection over NOMA Backscatter Networks,” during Carleton Wireless Series to an audience of 20 people (M28) in Ottawa, CA. (https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/172964)
31. (10.10.2018) Dr. Deniz Gunduz (Fellow no: 8, ER) has given seminar on “Learn to Communicate - Communicate to Learn” in University of Padova, Padova, Italy. (participation: 50)
32. (11.10.2018) Dr. Deniz Gunduz (Fellow no: 8, ER) has given seminar on “Learn to Communicate - Communicate to Learn” in University of Modena and Reggio Emilia (UNIMORE), Modena, Italy. (participation: 150)
33. (30.10.2018) Mr. David Burth Kurka from Imperial College gave a talk on “Deep Joint Source-Channel Coding for Wireless Image Transmission,” ,” in Workshop Communication in Energy Grids in the Era of Tactile Internet co-located with IEEE SmartGridComm 2018 Aalborg, Denmark to an audience of 10 people.
34. (30.10.2018) M. HeydarAbad (Fellow 19, ESR) gave a talk on “On the Trade-off Between Age of Cache Content and Energy Efficiency in Heterogeneous Networks,” in Workshop Communication in Energy Grids in the Era of Tactile Internet co-located with IEEE SmartGridComm 2018 Aalborg, Denmark to an audience of 10 people.
35. (30.10.2018) Anders E. Kalør (Fellow no:20, ESR) from Aalborg University gave a talk on “Random Access Schemes in Wireless Systems with Correlated User Activity" in Workshop Communication in Energy Grids in the Era of Tactile Internet co-located with IEEE SmartGridComm 2018 Aalborg, Denmark to an audience of 10 people.
36. (14.12.2018) Dr. Deniz Gunduz (Fellow no: 8, ER) has given seminar on “Learn to Communicate - Communicate to Learn” in University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China, (participation: 15)
37. (15-18.05.2018) Prof. Nafie (Fellow no: 19, ER) gave a talk “Wireless Energy and Information Transfer in Networks with Hybrid ARQ,” in the 2nd Workshop on Energy Harvesting and Remotely Powered Communications for Sustainable Future Networks and IoT, organized as part of the IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC) in Barcelona, Spain (M28). It was attended by 15 people. (https://wcnc2018.ieee-wcnc.org/content/final-program#S1569551449)
38. (25-28.06.2018) Anders Kalor (Fellow no:20, ESR) from Aalborg University gave a talk on "Random Access Schemes in Wireless Systems with Correlated User Activity," in 2018 IEEE 19th International Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications (SPAWC) in Kalamata, Greece. It was attended by approximately 100 people. (http://spawc2018.org/files/SPAWC_PROGRAM_KALAMATA_SITE.pdf)
39. (9-12.09.2018) Dr. Deniz Gunduz (Fellow no: 8, ER) has given a talk on “Delay-Aware Coded Caching for Mobile Users,” in 2018 IEEE 29th Annual International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC)” in Bologna, IT. It was attended by approximately 30 people. (https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/8580764)
40. (09.12.2018) Mr. M. HeydarAbad (Fellow 19, ESR) gave a talk on “Finite Horizon Throughput Maximization for a Wirelessly Powered Device over a Time Varying Channel” in IEEE Globecom 2018 Workshops in Abu Dhabi, UAE to an audience of 10 people.
41. (23.01.2018) M. HeydarAbad (Fellow 19, ESR) gave a talk on “Dynamic Content Updates in Heterogeneous Wireless Networks,” in IEEE/IFIP 15 th Wireless On-demand Network systems and Services Conference in Wengen, Switzerland. It was attended by 25 people. (http://2019.wons-conference.org)
42. (30.07-3.08.2018) Dr. Gunduz (Fellow no: 8, ER) was the Technical Program Co-Chair of the 2018 IEEE International Conference on Green Computing and Communications (GreenCom-2018), Halifax, Canada (M30). (http://cse.stfx.ca/~GreenCom2018/)
43. (15.05 2018) Dr. Gunduz (Fellow no: 8, ER) co-chaired the 2nd Workshop on Energy Harvesting and Remotely Powered Communications for Sustainable Future Networks and IoT, organized as part of the IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC) in Barcelona, Spain, (M28). (https://icc2018.ieee-icc.org/workshop/promises-and-challenges-machine-le...)
44. (15-18.05 2018) Dr. Gunduz (Fellow no: 8, ER) was the Tutorials Co-chair of the IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC), Barcelona, Spain (M28). (https://wcnc2018.ieee-wcnc.org)
45. (24.05.2018) Dr. Gunduz (Fellow no: 8, ER) is co-chairing the Workshop on the Promises and Challenges of Machine Learning in Communication Networks, organized as part of the 2018 IEEE International Conference on Communications that will be held in Kansas City, MO, (M28). This full-day workshop attracted an impressive number of 47 submissions from experts on the topic worldwide, and featured a keynote talk by Prof. Nikos Sidiropoulos from University of Virginia.
46. (30.10.2018) All beneficiaries jointly organized a half-day workshop on Communication in Energy Grids in the Era of Tactile Internet co-located with IEEE SmartGridComm 2018 Aalborg, Denmark. It was attended by approximately 15 people. (https://sgc2018.ieee-smartgridcomm.org/communication-energy-grids-era-ta...).
Course title: Traffic Modeling and Access Protocols for 5G
Organizer: Prof. Petar Popovski,
e-mail: petarp@es.aau.dk
Lecturers: Prof. Petar Popovski, Dr. Nuno K. Pratas, Dr. Dong Min Kim and Dr. Germán Corrales Madueño
Time: 29-31 August, 2016
Place: Aalborg University (aalborg Campus)
Zip code: 9220
City: Aalborg Øst
Number of seats: 40
The 5th generation of wireless networks will include applications beyond the ones associated with the traditional broadband traffic. One of these is the Internet of Things (IoT), a term that identifies the network of interconnected systems, machines, and things that communicate and collaborate without human intervention. Techno-economic forecasts indicate that in the coming years wireless IoT will become massive, connecting tens of billions devices. The IoT has significantly different requirements from, e. g. human-to-machine (H2M) services (download, web browsing, video streaming), where large data volumes are sent and high data rate is required. In majority of the scenarios, IoT communication is based on intermittent transmission/reception of small data portions and pose requirements that are different from the ones according to which the common wireless protocols are designed. Thus an adequate traffic model is required to investigate the impact and performance of IoT in well-established technologies such as cellular networks, to emerging technologies like LoRa, Sigfox or IEEE 802.11ah. Furthermore, advanced access options are required beyond the traditional device-to-base station connection. One such option is the direct Device-to-Device (D2D) connectivity, which is an unconventional communication mode in wireless cellular system that is getting a lot of attention in academia, industry and standardization. D2D communications denotes the establishment of direct communication links, between two or more nearby cellular devices, without the need to use the network infrastructure. This exploitation of the direct communication between the nearby mobile devices will improve spectrum utilization, overall throughput, and energy consumption, while enabling new Peer-to-Peer (P2P) and location-based applications and services. The D2D communication paradigm has two fundamental building blocks, the proximity discovery and the direct communication between nearby devices. In terms of conceptual and theoretical model, D2D can be seen as an extension of the concept of Cognitive Radio and dynamic spectrum access, where the ordinary cellular links can be seen as primary links and D2D as secondary links. The difference with the cognitive radio model is that the primary system is aware and supportive about the secondary links. In this course we describe how D2D can be an effective enabler of IoT connectivity.
Course Contents:
This is a 3-day course and the following topics will be covered:
• Traffic Modeling and performance requirements for IoT and D2D traffic.
• Emerging radio access protocols for IoT such as Sigfox, LoRa and 802.11ah.
• Recent 3GPP activities for cellular IoT, Low-cost LTE and D2D.
• D2D proximity discovery with different degrees of network support
• Analysis and modeling of D2D communications using stochastic geometry tools
• Resource allocation, interference cancellation and power control for D2D communications
Required background:
Fundamentals of networking and protocols, digital communications, stochastic processes, and queueing theory.
Course title: Coding Methods for Wireless Communication Cellular Systems
Course Organizer: Čedomir Stefanović
Lecturers: Čedomir Stefanović, Jesper H. Sørensen and Petar Popovski
ECTS: 1.25
Time: 16-18 November, 2016
Place: Aalborg University (aalborg Campus)
Zip code: 9220
City: Aalborg Øst
Number of seats: 30
This is a 3-day course, covering the coding/decoding methods and emphasizing the aspects specific for the wireless communications. The goal is to provide understanding and insights into the fundamental aspects and modern developments of the coding theory and discuss their applicability in the challenges faced by the emerging wireless communication systems. Initially, fundamentals like modeling of noisy channels and limits on the rate of communication are covered, along with the coding requirements in wireless systems. We proceed to present some of the most successful coding schemes that are results of recent research efforts. Finally, we conclude the course with the presentation of the techniques relevant to the multiple access channels, which are inherent to wireless communications. The course will bring knowledge on both mature solutions, already widely used today, and more cutting-edge solutions with high research activity.
• Introduction and motivation: channel models, channel capacity, why do we need codes and how to use them, basics of coding and decoding algorithms.
• Linear codes. Encoding, decoding and measures of reliability.
• Convolutional codes, trellis representation and decoding on a trellis. Trellis coded modulation.
• Introduction to codes-on-graphs and iterative decoding algorithms.
• Turbo codes.
• LDPC codes.
• Rateless codes.
• Coding for multiple access channels: channel models and coding techniques. Coded random access.
The attendees will take active part in the course, by preparing and presenting beforehand assigned relevant papers.
Required background:
Basics of information theory and digital communications, probability theory, stochastic processes
Presentation Title: Communication over a Time Correlated Channel with an Energy Harvesting Transmitter
Project name: TactileNet
Funding: EU
Author: Mehdi Salehi Heydar abad (PhD candidate at Sabanci University)
Place: Sabanci University
Date: 10/12/2017
Presentation Title: Energy Harvesting Wireless Networks with Correlated Energy Sources
Project name: TactileNet
Funding: EU
Author: Mehdi Salehi Heydar abad (PhD candidate at Sabanci University)
Place: Sabanci University
Date: 1/1/2016
- (2016) Decentralized Coded Caching in Wireless Networks
- (2016) Energy Harvesting Wireless Networks with Correlated Energy Sources
- (2016) RF Energy Harvesting in Wireless Networks
- (2017) Communication over a Gilbert-Elliot Channel with an Energy-Harvesting Transmitter
- (2017) Cache-Aided Heterogeneous Networks: Coverage and Delay Analysis
(2017) Carlton University - Seminar Dec. 1, 2017: Powering the Internet of Things
(2017) UQAM – Seminar Nov 22, 2017: Intelligent Channel Sensing and Scheduling
• Intelligent Channel Sensing and Scheduling in Future Wireless Networks
- (2017) Contents on the Move: Content Caching and Delivery at the Wireless Network Edge (EURECOM)
- (2017) Contents on the Move: Content Caching and Delivery at the Wireless Network Edge (University of Bologna)
- (2017) Contents on the Move: Content Caching and Delivery at the Wireless Network Edge (KAUST, Saudi Arabia)
- (2018) Proactive Wireless Content Caching
(2018) Distributed Binary Hypothesis Testing Over Noisy Channels
(2018) Distributed Hypothesis Testing with a Privacy Constraint
(2018) Dynamic Content Updates in Heterogeneous Wireless Networks
[1] A. Elkordy, A. Motahari, M. Nafie, and D. Gunduz, "Cache-aided fog radio access networks with partial connectivity," to appear, IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC), Barcelona, Spain, Apr. 2018.
[2] M. Varasteh, B. Rassouli, O. Simeone and D. Gunduz, "Zero-delay source-channel coding with a low-resolution ADC front end," to appear, IEEE Trans. Information Theory.
[3] M. Varasteh, B. Rassouli, O. Simeone and D. Gunduz, "Zero-delay source-channel coding with a one-bit ADC front end and correlated side information at the receiver," IEEE Trans. on Communications, vol. 65, no. 12, pp. 5429-5444, Dec. 2017.
[4] A. M. Girgis, O. Ercetin, M. Nafie, and T. ElBatt, “Decentralized Coded Caching in Wireless Networks: Trade-off between Storage and Latency,”IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, Aachen, Germany, June 2017.
[5] J. Zhao, E. Koksal, and D. Gunduz, Distributed content caching with queuing constraints, ongoing.
[6] Y. Sarikaya, O. Ercetin, “Self-sufficient Receiver with Wireless Energy Transfer in a Multi-access Network,” IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, in press, May 2017.
[7] A. Farajzadeh, Y. Sarikaya, O. Ercetin, “Self-sufficient Networking with SWIPT,” ongoing.
Energy Harvesting:
[8] M. Abad, D. Gunduz and O. Ercetin, "Communication over a time-correlated channel with an energy harvesting transmitter," International Symposium on Wireless Communication Systems (ISWCS), Bologna, Italy, Aug. 2017.
[9 M. Zohdy, T. ElBatt, M. Nafie, O. Ercetin, “RF Energy Harvesting in Wireless Networks with HARQ,” IEEE Globecom Workshops, Washington, DC, Dec 2016.
[10] M. Abad, O. Ercetin, T. Elbatt, M. Nafie, “Reliable SWIPT over a Wireless Link with Fading,” ongoing.
[11] M. Abad, D. Gunduz, O. Ercetin, “Energy Harvesting Wireless Networks with Correlated Energy Sources,” IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference, Doha, Qatar, April 2016.
[12] M. Abad, D. Gunduz, O. Ercetin, “Channel Sensing and Communication over a Time-Correlated Channel with an Energy Harvesting Transmitter,” to appear, IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking.
[13] M. Mohammadi Amiri, Q. Yang and D. Gunduz, “Decentralized coded caching with distinct cache capacities,” under review, IEEE Trans. on Communications.
[14] M. Mohammadi Amiri, Q. Yang and D. Gunduz, “Decentralized coded caching with distinct cache capacities,” Asilomar Conf. on Signals, Systems and Computers, Pacific Grove, California, Nov. 2016.
[15] M. A. Abd-Elmagid, O. Ercetin, and T. ElBatt, “Cache-Aided Heterogeneous Networks: Coverage and Delay Analysis,” IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference-Fall, Toronto, CA, 2017.
Machine-type Comm:
[16] A. Al-Shuwaili, O. Simeone, J. Kliewer, and P. Popovski, “Coded Network Function Virtualization: Fault Tolerance via In-Network Coding”, IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, vol. 5, no. 6, pp. 644-647, Dec. 2016.
[17] J. Park, O. Simeone, and P. Popovski, "End-to-End Resource Management in Socially-Connected Wireless Virtual Reality Communication", work in progress.
[18] M. Varasteh, B. Rassouli, O. Simeone and D. Gunduz, “Zero-delay source-channel coding with a one-bit ADC front end and correlated side information at the receiver,” under review.
European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme
Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences, Sabanci University, Prof. Ozgur Ercetin (Project coordinator)
Information Processing and Communications Lab, Imperial College London, supervised by Dr. Deniz Gunduz
MassM2M research group, Aalborg University, supervised by Prof. Petar Popovski
Wireless Communications and Signal Processing Research (CWCSPR), New Jersey Institute of Technology, Prof. Osvaldo Simeone
Wireless Intelligent Networks Center, Nile University, supervised by Dr. Tamer ElBatt
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Ohio State University, Prof. Eylem Ekici and Prof. C. Emre Koksal
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 690893.